So we had Brother Losch visiting our special assembly day which was weird in itself. He's not a very good speaker and seemed like he was in dire need of a nap or something.
Anyways just a few observations from the assembly program.
Theme: Imitate their Faith. (barf)
There wasn't much substance to any of the talks. It was quite honestly a waste of a day.
The baptism talk was interesting and something that was pointed out on this board before. The brother mentioned the May 1990 Watchtower which mentions that unless you are baptized Yah may not be listening to your prayers. So it seems to me that this is a way to pressure people to get baptized so they can have that "unrestricted" approach to God. So was Jesus' prayers "restricted" prior to His baptism? I would think not being the Son and all.
Next was the accounts. As was mentioned again on this board, $8000 were sent to the society prior to the convention leaving only $500 in the account. But expenses for this one day were almost $24,000 so the deficit at lunch ($7500) would not have been there if they didn't send all the money to the society.
Finally Brother Losch in his last talk tells young ones that they cannot have friends at school because they are NOT "Jehovah's Witnesses". People who work cannot have friends at work either because they are NOT "Jehovah's Witnesses". So no more having association with people unless they are j-dubs and they must be in good standing of course.
Well that's about it, just thought I post a few thoughts from the S.A.D. which ironically was quite sad.