The whole video was pretty laughable. Here were my key takeaways:
1. They signed a contract for a facility that did not have sufficient seating (what happened to counting the cost before you 'build'?)
2. They either have an unneccessary rule on wearing hard hats while carrying chairs, or they're bad at enforcing compliance with the rule.
3. They had to make up jobs for all the volunteers (flashback to the old Quick Builds..."Here's a bucket Sister, your job is to go pick up nails on the ground.")
4. The direct expenses associated with this exercise (cleaning supplies, cost of truck transportation, transporting a film crew to document the whole thing, etc.) and the indirect expenses (the cost of people's time, their transportation and food expenses, etc.) probably total more than what it would have cost to simply rent a facility with the appropriate number of chairs.
As a side note, they mentioned putting the orange chairs "in the back". I wish they would have put them in all the prime seating locations and watched the confusion/frustration on people's faces when they come bursting through the doors at opening time, fighting to grab that prime spot before some other Brother or Sister does.