What the "Worldly" media has to say about the proposed Russian ban of JWs

by NikL 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Drearyweather

    I think there are two aspects to see this issue. Persecution of religious groups is different from banning them outright.

    We are correct about Pentecostals and Protestants being persecuted in Russia, but I would like to know- has Russia banned them or has it decided to outrightly ban any other Christian denomination in Russia?

  • Onager

    Someone should tell Putin not to ban them, just remove any tax exemption from them.

    That would achieve his goal much more effectively.

  • NikL

    Someone should tell Putin not to ban them, just remove any tax exemption from them.

    That would achieve his goal much more effectively.

    My thoughts exactly!

  • blondie

    Do religions have tax exemptions in Russia?

  • OrphanCrow
    blondie: Do religions have tax exemptions in Russia?

    Yes, church property is exempt from Russian tax. But, I don't think that the WTS has ever had "church" status in Russia. Don't they operate as a "sect" in Russia?

    The WTS was in the Russian Supreme Court back in 2000/1, and I don't think they got their religious status after that. They were dragged over hot coals back then concerning their shunning practices, the inflammatory language in their literature, and the blood transfusion ban.

  • NikL

    Thank you Irishdub for that link to the talk.


    Especially the note to speaker...

    Note to the speaker:

    Build appreciation for earthly part of Jehovah’s organization and the important role it plays in our relationship
    with him. Show that accepting the organization is essential, as Jehovah’s purpose is to “gather all things together again in the Christ.” (Eph 1:10) Make it clear that only those who come into and remain in unity with Jehovah and his organization will get life.

    I wish someone would have asked Geoffrey Jackson about that when he was under oath.

  • steve2

    I think there are two aspects to see this issue. Persecution of religious groups is different from banning them outright.

    To those whose churches have been ransacked as authorities have stood impassively by, your nice 'legal" distinction would be laughable were the matter not so tragic. Where religious groups have few rights under law, being "persecuted" and/or being "banned" are virtually indistinguishable. I suppose "being banned" just gives greater sanction to attack and oppress.

  • JWdaughter

    I think that there is a fine line between making illegal certain activities-irregardless of religious or non-religious in motivation and declaring a RELIGION illegal. If an organization is doing things that are intrinsically damaging, I think it is fair game to outlaw an organization. Faith is not something one can outlaw. They can't make JWs nice to ex JWs. They can ban organizations that hide child abusers. Is that to say that a JW shouldn't be able to pray and believe what they want to? No. But should the community support (in any way) businesses or other organizations that cause harm and even enforce it?

    I don't know what the WT did particularly to piss off the Russians. But they generally TRY to piss people off, so it's really tough to muster up much sympathy for the organization and its ASSETS. I hate to see individual JWs suffer for a corporate asset or to defend the corporate assets. I would hope that the brothers and sisters in those places remember what actually matters and the organization is NOT it.

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