How many teens stay because they have their eye on someone they hope to marry?

by purrpurr 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • purrpurr

    I was just watching a documentary film about the Amish. This one girl who left said she didn't leave until her early twenties because as a teen until then she had her eye on one of the boys in the church. She had a crush on him and hoped to marry him. That was a big motivation to obey the church rules and try to accept the armish lifestyle.

    It made me think... I wonder how many teens in the WT stay and or get baptised because they have a crush on someone in the Cong that they hope to marry if they prove themselves "spiritual"?

    What do you think?

  • sowhatnow

    where i had come from the case was how many different khalls can one be privileged to visit as to even find someone to like let alone marry.

    since usually in rural congs there are few if any suitable mates to begin with. they settle.

    try being a divorced woman, and find a mate, forget it, you'd have to go outside the org.

    I suppose now its how many wont get baptized [or get df] so they can find a mate anywhere then 'get back in'

    later if they want.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I wonder how many teens in the WT stay and or get baptised because they have a crush on someone in the Cong that they hope to marry

    I think there may be some truth to that because JW kids don't have much of an opportunity to get to know non-JW kids. If the parents are "IN" even just a little, they still likely think that one advantage to JWism is the "morality" of the members (in general), and thus they likely limit their kids having too much "worldly" influence.


  • Billy ex Blaze
    Billy ex Blaze
    I'm ashamed to say buy sadly that's my story.
  • rebel8

    She had a crush on him and hoped to marry him.

    As an aside, that is exactly the childlike nature of many jw unions I'm aware of. A "crush" seems to be more of an inexperienced, hormonal attraction. It's not a mature, deep love, and yet they make lifelong commitments based on it. Sad.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    I had a conversation with my 21 year old unbaptised nephew about 9 months ago and laid out why i quit and that it is a cult and that he should avoid baptism at all costs.

    3 months later he got baptised.

    I doubt he believes it, he was courting (and still is), she got baptised the same time in a different assembly, but the same weekend I think.

    What choice did he have, if he wanted to keep the girl he had to get baptised.

  • apostrate

    It happens all the time and it has been happening for many decades, I guess as long as the organization has been around.

    And I know many, many elders who only became JW's in the first place in order to "get the girl" of their dreams.

    It happens in all denominations.

  • Vidiot

    purrpurr - "How many teens stay because they have their eye on someone they hope to marry?"

    Well, considering the whopping 67% non-retention rate, I'd say...


    ...not too many.

  • sir82

    We've got a similar case in our KH, but the players are a bit older.

    Her: Big-time elder's daughter. divorced.

    Him: Also divorced, moved in from out of state, no important connections to anyone.

    He moved in a couple of years ago, inactive, only occasional meeting attender, basic bump on a log.

    He notices elder's daughter.

    He catches fire - answering at every meeting, regular field service, volunteering for every assignment possible. He catches daddy's eye, who now is intent on grooming him to become MS.

    Engagement announced last week.

    "Spirituality" ignited due to desire for a little horizontal mambo.

  • Mad Irishman
    Mad Irishman

    There were way better marriage mates outside of JW Land than inside, so I'd say it's the totally opposite.

    So many people leave the JW faith because they want to marry someone who isn't a JW.

    That's probably why young JW's leave the religion the most! 3 out of 4 don't stay JW's so I'm not sure this makes any sense at all. Maybe you can shoot off an example or two, but they leave because they find someone who isn't a JW. Duh.

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