Hi - first some context - I have been PIMO for about 20 years now and so have been to a lot of assemblies in that time. Last weekend I went to a circuit assembly and for the first time afterwards I was able to talk directly to someone who knows I'm out. I realised then that although I didn't agree with any teachings (I sat picking holes in the arguements as usual) the experience of being there had affected me - the way of life started feeling normal as did the overall way of viewing the world. I have been deprogrammed (thank you PJT if you ever read this) but I think I must have been affected like this every time I have attended an assembly. I've read about this from others, but it's the first time I've experienced it personally and it has made me more aware of how subtle the mind control tactics are that are used.
Hopefully posting this here will compl;ete my recovery.