...to visit her family in AZ and CA. (She'll flog me when she comes home next week and sees I posted this! LOL) 5 great kids, 4 charming grandkids.
It's just incredible how free we both feel. Every day we talk about all sorts of things, openly and without fear of judgement or a "shepherding call" from the elders. Sometimes we even have a little nostalgia about the org; after all, it was our entire life until a couple years ago. It's all so cool. I'm slowly getting used to it...sort of like a zoo animal that unexpectedly gets out of the cage.
One thing I've resolved for sure: In answer to "What life is there outside of the Society?" I can say without reservation "Life begins outside the Society."
Kicked out (fighting all the way) of the WTS, cajoled (skeptical most of the way) to join this forum, captured (what can I say?) by my soul-mate...I'm one lucky sloppy sod.
PS: Sorry for the misleading title...I just couldn't help myself!