Sexual abuse by my father covered up by JWs

by brandi 18 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • brandi

    I was wondering if anyone else on this board had an experience similar to mine. When I was 7-12 years old, I was sexually abused by my dad (also a witness) and I confided in another witness- a friend of the family's. He also ended up walking in on the abuse at one point. He went and told the elders and they told him to keep it quiet- to never let it get out. They did nothing and allowed it to continue. I hear this goes on a lot- It's unbelievable they can get away with this. I confronted a couple of the elders on one of their sheperdering calls-(this was ten years ago - when I had not been at meetings for about a year and a half-I've never been back) and one of them laughed and said, "well what could we have done anyway?" I am sorry but I will go to my grave hating those men! Anyway, just wondering how many others out there went through the same crap!! Brandi

  • Gamaliel


    There are dozens of cases like yours that have been posted on this board. It's a serious problem. Have you seen the part of this forum called "Child Abuse". When I first read it, I was so surprised and then I found out that I knew someone who had been abused back in my old congregation from 30 years ago. I still knew a lot of the elders who mishandled the case. I was just shocked, but it seems to have hit all over the country.


  • oldcrowwoman
  • oldcrowwoman
  • oldcrowwoman
  • oldcrowwoman
  • oldcrowwoman
  • oldcrowwoman


    You are not alone. I admire your strength and courage for breaking the SILENCE. My children and I are survivors of abuse. Glad to have you aboard. I am sorry you had to experience abuse and you did'nt deserve it.

    I hope you are getting support around these issues from others.

    All the Best Crow Woman

  • oldcrowwoman
  • CoonDawg


    There are lots of us who are the wreckage that is left behind in the wake of sexual abuse. My sisters were abused when I was growing up...and yes, it was by a "brother" who still has never been DF'd. My daughter was recently a victim too, and it has been covered over by the WTS and the local elders, as well as my exwife. believe me when I say that I understand where your hatred comes from.

    Be well, and may you find peace.


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