If you are a lurker then you are probably a thinker. You will already be wondering about a number of aspects of JW doctrine and how they stack up against reason, logic and modern scientific evidence.
If so, then I appeal to you to meditate and reason on one implication arising from the latest news that the next publication will be a simplified version of an already simplified book.
Here we are in an age of readily accessible information, an age when it is so easy to find information that debunks creation, man only being on the earth 6000 years, the need for magic to bring together the universe, the idea of a global flood 4000 years ago, the idea that 607BCE is some special date and more.
Yet, into this field of abundant knowledge, the GB see fit to bring nothing to reason against these. They see fit only to produce a book aimed at the absolute lowest common denominator. They see fit to reduce yet further the scope of the magazines they have for decades touted as the most important publications in the world.
Instead of the publications shining the light of biblical power, using scripture as a sword to slash through the ridiculous ideas of man, the GB can only muster a text book for the intellectually challenged.
According to the Bible, Paul was able to reason with hoards of people used to debating Greek philosophy. Jesus made scholars marvel. When was the last time the WTS published anything that could seriously counter the growing weight of credible and scientific evidence against the most fundamental of Biblical teachings?
More importantly, when will they? On current evidence...never.
The end result - the only way of being able to stick with this organisation will be BLIND FAITH.
Ask the questions. Find the answers. Stop kidding yourself that somehow these morons know something that you don't. That feeling you have that something just ain't right - that's your brain telling you all the evidence the "troof" is a crock of shite is right.
Do yourself a favour and listen to your brain.