something to make you smile

by Pleasuredome 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pleasuredome
  • pettygrudger

    That's amazing! I wonder what they were going to buy with all that money!!!

  • outnfree

    Thanks, that DID make me smile! Amazing!


  • Valis

    I could quit my job! Just buy some of those birds...set up a roost and make sure they couldn't! Thanks PD..


    District Overbeer


    Birds, yup...I've seen them do silly things like that. Blue Jays were notorious in our backyard for picking up shiny objects and flying away with them.

    Grey Jays: notorious. In their nests you'd find: kleenex, buttons, coins, coloured strings, little toys, aluminum foil and candy, to name a few.

    The pet cockatiel that I had posted: Sunshine. She loves picking up coins on the dresser and dropping them on the floor to hear them roll and make that 'pinging' sound.

    Looks like a starling (the bird from the story). I have an entire wall of them beside where I live that live in the climbing ivy. Must be 100 of them in there.

    Crows are also naughty, they'll steal watches and rings if left out. They'll take them to their nests and turn out to be worse than any burglar.

    I still love the North American Grey Jay best. They are so personable, and will steal your sandwiches, and other non-guarded food. I have fed them dozens of times, and they still crack me up. Where I used to live, I'd whistle to one of them, and sure enough, he'd come down, perch on my hand, and dig into the peanut butter and jam sandwich. Or, beer nuts, he LOVED those.

    Gotta love critters, great and small.

  • jgnat

    Yup, Starlings. Them's smart birds. They can imitate other bird calls, even people. I just had to check if this was an urban legend or not. Story's true! Except the $4000 is an embellishment.

  • DanTheMan

    That was really funny, thanks for sharing that.

  • JamesThomas

    Yes that was cool. Birds are amazing and very smart.

    Check out this video of a crow making and using a tool.

  • dottie

    OMG!!!! that is priceless!!! (no pun intended)

    Now I know where all my change is going!


  • Xena

    lol you think they take socks too? cause that might explain what happens to mine........

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