First a clarification - this is not about policies on faders etc. It is about how the borg allow policies and doctrines to fade rather than correct them and apologise for mistakes. Here are two examples of what I mean:
1) Up to the 1970s they taught that all of the evidence for ice ages was really caused by the flood. I heard this repeated last year by a long time witness. As far as I can determine, they have not repeated this claim since the mid-70s but have never said that all of the scientific evidence points to ice ages with many of the features being impossible if caused by liquid water.
2) Last year in the June Km they started a policy of witnessing at nursing homes which was quite involved. Since then I don't know of any cong that has done this and the CO hasn't mentioned it. This seems to happen with initiatives (though sometimes COs have been known to ask why such and such isn't being done a couple of years later).
I understand (though don't agree with) why they don't say they were wrong, but I don't know why they launch initiatives and then drop them straight away. Anyone know of other examples or can explain their actions?