bomb saddam! george wants oil! (testpost)

by unclebruce 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • unclebruce

    In the light of the drum beat getting louder I find the following words of John Kenneth Galbraith chillingly relevant. Here he is observing the Kennedy White house during the Cuban missile crisis:

    “When I did have time to worry … it was about the peculiar dynamics of the White House crisis meeting. This has the truly terrible tendency always to favour the most reckless position, for that is the position that requires the least amount of courage. The man who says, ‘let’s move in with all we have and to hell with the consequences’ will get applause and he knows it. In reality he’s a coward who knows that in urging more deliberate policy he will invite the disapprobation of his colleagues or later be accused of advocating a policy of weakness. Normally, also, he is aided by his inability to foresee, or even to imagine, the consequences of the action he advocates. In contrast, the man who calls for caution, a close assessment of consequences, an effort to understand the opposing point of view and who proposes concessions, must have great courage. He is a real hero and rare.”

    “Neither at the time nor after did I think the Missile Crisis the great and successful episode in our history it was thought by some. It showed on the contrary how fragile, almost negligible, is the issue of our existence when it passes under the control of domestic political exigency”

  • unclebruce

    but as far as

    but as far as

    ah bugger it .."server error application" blah blah blah .. bit like this article of mine!

  • unclebruce

    one last try .. for oldtimers sake..

    You may find the following words of John Kenneth Galbraith chillingly relevant. Here he is observing the Kennedy White house during the Cuban missile crisis:

  • Farkel

    Beg to differ with you, Unc.

    Galbraith was and is a bleeding-heart liberal Economist who has made his living prediction gloom and doom in economies and now, in politics. I despise the old fart. He is clueless.

    Despite his wizened old face, his plethora of degrees and his so-called credibility, he is a fool: I herewith present my evidence:

    : This has the truly terrible tendency always to favour the most reckless position, for that is the position that requires the least amount of courage.

    This is a logical fallacy of the sweeping generalization, for Galbraith (bless his 300 years of life on this planet), didn't bother to qualify his statement. He implied that "reckless" ALWAYS means a position that requires the least amount of courage. This is not always the case, but bleeding heart liberals never cared about facts.

    This argument is so patently false, that I'm embarrassed to even address it.

    America gained its freedom and liberty by virtue of the very thing that Galbraith said "requires the least amount of courage." So did you Aussies, no doubt.

    He cited the Cuban Missile Crisis to prove his point. He didn't bother to wonder what would have happened had Cuba been allow to arm itself with Soviet Missiles only 90 miles from us. Now THAT would have been really special. Cuba could have destroyed any and all of our major cities along the Atlantic Coast had Kennedy not put a stop to it.

    Galbraith is an idiot, Unc. I've read a LOT about him over 30 years and formed my opinion accordingly. He's an idiot as an economist and he's an idiot at politics. He does have a lot of fancy degrees, though. Arthur Laffer, on the otherhand sticks with economics and stays out of politics. He's brilliant at his observations on economics, and doesn't pretend to be an expert on politics. Therefore, he has a lot of detractors, too. Such is the way freedom of speech works.


  • ThiChi

    This is truly the most biased piece of rubbish I have read in a long time...give us a break.

  • Shutterbug

    The oil argument is also rubbish. Canada is currently the number one supplier of oil for the US with Venezuela and Mexico coming in number two and three. Saw this on TV the other day, not sure, but I think it was ABC on Sunday morning. Iraq comes in number nine. If you really want to point fingers at someone over oil, take a look at France. They have some billion dollar contracts with Iraq and they are scared to deathe these contracts won't be honored in the event of war. Bug

  • Francois

    As much as I like Uncle Bruce - who can be blamed for putting me onto this place - I must demur in supporting the idea that this war is about oil. It certainly ain't, unless you're France and have put all your oil "eggs" in the Iraqi basket. This war is about weapons of mass destruction. It doesn't make sense to have gone through the cold war and fought for years for nuclear non-proliferation to now just lie down and allow weapons of mass destruction to pestiferate (like my new word?) all over the planet.

    It took decades of determined effort to [almost] wipe small pox off the face of this planet. I say that anyone who even threatens to release that disease should be summarily executed on the spot.


  • Trauma_Hound

    I want to know why the gas prices are so high in Washington State, since we get most our oil from Alaska.

  • Crazy151drinker


    Ahhh yes, Gas Prices. A true conspiracy.

    I'd like to know why gas is cheaper here in Fresno than it is in say Martinez. We are 3 hours away from Martinez in the middle of the Central Valley. Martinez is full of Oil Refineries and yet somehow their gas is more expensive than ours.......hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  • dubla
    I want to know why the gas prices are so high in Washington State, since we get most our oil from Alaska.

    t.h., youre kidding, right? do you have any idea how the world markets work? when the price of oil goes up, it goes up everywhere. should the alaskan companies sell their oil for $25 a barrell when they can get $38 dollars a barrell on the open market? hmmmm. unfortunately, it doesnt work that and demand, read up on it. aa

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