What is it with Apostate women not bringing pickles?

by Valis 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    "Well lemee tell ya sumpin!"...as my brother Wild Turkey would say...Not only do I have bruises all over my god like body..*LOL*, but I didn't get my pickles dammit! I bent over backwards to bug the shit out of scootergirl for months to get my pickles, even when they weren't ready and when I try to complain while she's here, and especially after all those pics she was showing us of the Great Northern Picklecopia, she ignores me!...Even after I call her "mommy" despite her express forbiddance this weekend...I didn't even get slapped, like she said she was going to...


    District Overbeerr of the "Didn't Get My Pickles On" class

  • unclebruce

    ooo that thump on the head musta hurt! lol

  • animal

    Ask scooter what I told her to add to the jars of pickles....


  • Valis

    *LOL* animal...you know she has a body farm!


    District Overbeer

  • Solace


    "I didn't even get slapped"

    Now you know that aint the truth baby!

  • not interested
    not interested

    brother valis,

    Since Scooter is part of the MN flock ill be sure to give her some sturn council about the lack of pickles, although ill be nice about it since i did recive some on her rasberrie Jelly


  • LyinEyes

    Yeah I was wondering where the pickles where, as I had planned to steal a few from Valis.
    But the blackberry jam was to die for...... oppsssss better not say that too loud, the berries were grown on the body farm. I wonder what she used for fertilizer???

  • Valis

    Oh! I see how easily you are bribed...she gives you a bit of the ole "jam" and you suddenly don't see the iniquity in it all...I have never in my life!!! Maybe one day I will die and be resurrected in a Picklecopia On Earth(TM)...until then I am shattered and waiting for my Picklocracy...*sobs*...


    District Overbeer of the "Out of a Pickle" class

  • Valis

    BTW Heaven I don't remember getting slapped...I thought it was a spanking...two in fact...on different days, but if I got slapped I don't remember and no one complained...*LOL*...


    District Overbeer of the "Spanken Not Slapped, 00Heaven" class

  • Solace

    Oh yeah, that was a spank wasnt it.

    Well, I promise to slapp ya' next time then.

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