Some more Nicholas King pics

by neat blue dog 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    I don't know, that's what some said last time I posted pics of him. He was raised in this lifestyle as a child. He's been performing at casinos, etc. for years, so I highly doubt the GB didn't already know about it.

  • sparrowdown

    Very fishy indeed.

  • steve2

    Very Mormonish for a JW.

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog
    Very Mormonish for a JW.

    I guess it's because he was a child star, and child stars are precocious, and most good Mormons I've met behave like precocious child stars 😂

  • respectful_observer

    neat blue you know him personally-- or anyone else in the photos?

    I know another one of the people in the photos pretty well.

  • thebrokenkite

    I was in the Italian circuit with Nick. I remember being treated with indifference by he and his posse when I introduced myself, but that could’ve been for a number of reasons. It’s common knowledge in the circuit that Nick has a singing career, but it always puzzled me that it didn’t seem to bother anyone. Maybe he is considered immune to “worldly” enticements or he is just that valuable to the Borg, but nonetheless the Italian congregation enjoys a privileged position here in NYC. “Imitate their Faith”, for example, used mostly models from the Italian field. Anyway, he struck me as being very comfortable in the limelight and is one of of the “darlings” of the Italian field, essentially having the GB’s blessing to pursue his music career.

  • smiddy3

    I wonder if he is baptized,if he is not that could explain a lot.

  • slimboyfat

    I don't think he'd make it into videos and choir unbaptised.

    I'm not entirely on board with picking on this guy. The hypocrisy angle is perhaps thin justification for bullying.

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog
    neat blue you know him personally-- or anyone else in the photos?

    He is a friend of a friend, but I never met him myself. Doesn't live too far away.

    The hypocrisy angle is perhaps thin justification for bullying.

    Nah, don't worry sbf, nobody's bullying. I'm sure he's a nice kid. This is bigger than him or us. It's about the ORGANIZATION'S double standard.

  • steve2

    Relax SBF. His profile’s in the public domain. He’s widely known among regional Witnesses. Therefore, he would know all kinds of comments are made about him. My view is anyone who publically puts themselves “out there” knows social commentary of all kinds goes with the territory. Besides, you’d have to stretch the limits of the word, “Bullying” to see comments on the thread as that.

    To repeat, this guy is very Mormonism for a JW. He’s got that right mix of good looks, self-awareness (look at those poses) and trendy composed dress sense.

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