Hey you all! Happy hump day. I was wondering if anyone knew of any upcoming A-fests in the Florida/Georgia area? Or anyplace else for that matter. I missed the Dallas one and regret not going. Thanks J
Upcoming A-fests?
by Dolphin57 11 Replies latest jw friends
Not sure about there, but a bunch of us from another board (a few of us who are crossovers to this board) are planning a shin-dig in April, the 26th and 27th, I believe. It's being planned for Cincinnati, so it will be kind of centrally located. I'm sure we'd welcome any Ex's that want to come!
I'm way up north here from you Southerners but info for your area you should ask Joy or Jst2lws. I beleive they're planning a celebration, check out their scarlet letters post.
Like Sargon says - I know that Joy and Steve are involved in the Freedom Fest in Florida on the weekend of April 19th and 20th. Francois is looking into something in Atlanta as well - details on this thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/15/47863/1.ashx
You might try this link. http://exjw.meetup.com/
If you get a "critical mass" of interested people in a geographic area, presto! You meet! I am still waiting for us to get to Critical Mass here in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Been there
I live in Cincinnati (almost) Can I come?
There is a small on coming up in Florida this month.
Here is the thread................... http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/47881/1.ashx
Hope you can make it!!!! Those guys are great!!!!!!!!!!!
Been there and anyone else who is interested, As Coondawg said we are having an apostafest in Cincy on the weekend of April 26th-27th. Not everything is finalized yet so details will be coming soon... Everyone is invited of course! ~Aztec
Okay - cincinnati is only 4 hours from me - I wasn't invited!!! Aztec - maybe we ride together? And will this be the same weekend as the meet-up?
Petty my dear, of course you're invited! It will be the weekend of the 26th-27th. I might need a ride if I don't have a car yet..LOL The meetups are the first Saturday of the month so this will be a couple weeks after. My sons birthday is the weekend before so I may be having a party for him if you are interested and would like to bring your son. He is going to be 7 on the 19th and he is sooooooooooo excited! I am gonna email you tomorrow. ~Aztec