Can someone point me in the direction of a couple (or five) JW discussion boards? You know where real JWs post their mind-numbing thoughts about how terrible the world (and "worldly" people) are and how great it will be when Armageddon comes to destroy the wicked? I'd like for some of my workmates to see what their loving JW neighbors really think about them. Thanks.
JW Discussion Boards
by teejay 15 Replies latest jw friends
I just found several JW discussion boards on America Online groups. Most of them are for devout JW's but some are open to the public.
Well, there is an MSN community called Jehovah's Witnesses on the Web, or JWOTW for short. It is now a closed community and outsiders can't even read the posts anymore. You can read some posts on PLN or translated "Pure Language Network". Also there is JW Zone. Those two have open areas, but also have areas where some of the good stuff is, and they are private and to join you have to go through quite a questionaire...and on PLN, you have to have someone vouch for you.
So, Good can be entertaining and somewhat addictive. Actually, I am members of two JW communities....I don't raise any arguments, but rather simply ask subtle and non controversial quetions aimed at getting people to think outside of the collective.
A lot of them hang out evenings on PalTalk.
Thanks Matty. Those are the two I was thinking of but couldn't remember their names.
Actually, I am members of two JW communities....I don't raise any
arguments, but rather simply ask subtle and non controversial quetions
aimed at getting people to think outside of the collective. -- CoonDawgHey! Brother Dawg!! Couldja hook a bruvva up? I mean... like... sponsor me in? j/k
This is acually a Christian apologist site but has many discussion boards on it including a jw site.
teejay...I would, but I am a real newbie at Pure Language...and JWOTW doesn't do sponsors...and that's not the name I use there. LOL
Beans used to go there...but you have to fill out an application form about a bunch of crap. I don't think you have to get your local elders called, but you had better have a good cover story to stick to.
You can write to
And you have to fill out a lots of quistens, i you want i can help you.Its called JWOTW