Hi everyone. I'm new to the forum but have lurked for over four years! In fact I've never even posted on an internet board before,
so please go easy on me. I'm not sure if this has been discussed already but I've been thinking alot about this situation lately.
From what I remember of Watchtower thinking, the "Anglo-American" world rulers are the ones that manipulate and give power
to the 8th world ruler i.e. the U.N. Today it was announced that France, Germany, and Russia will almost definitely oppose U.N.
support for a war in Iraq. This seems to me to go against everything I was taught on the subject. From what I remember (been out
about 4 years), the U.N. is set up to do the bidding of the last world power. I just wonder if some JW's are scratching their heads and
saying, " hey this isn't supposted to be happening". I know I would. And I know a few of my old freinds are probably doing the same thing.
What if the Anglo-American power dismisses the U.N. and calls the body irrelevant and attacks unilaterally? Do you think that might give
some within the organisation pause?
I hate to admit it but I really do miss YOU KNOW