Free exchange of ideas

by recovering 16 Replies latest forum suggestions

  • recovering

    I have noticed a paradigm shift on this site . We used to be able to express opposing viewpoints without being subjected to name calling and censorship. I wish we could return to how the board used to function. I really enjoyed when the board more closely reflected the tenants espoused in it's mission statement. Friendly and tolerant being the operative words. I of course understand that this is Simon's board and he has the ultimate authority. I just wish it was more reflective of an earlier time ,when civil debate was encouraged.

    We are not affiliated with the WTB&TS in any way and we take your privacy and security very seriously doing our utmost to protect your identity and provide a friendly, tolerant and informative environment where you can ask questions, share information and make new friends.
  • Simon

    This is just an attempt to try and claim things are unfair because I won't allow wall to wall anti-trump propaganda to be posted ad-nauseam. It's frankly getting boring and tiresome, especially when anyone tries to engage in the discussion with any facts or reason it's met with certain people putting their hands over their ears shouting the typical "Trump Racist Trump Racist, Russia, Russia, Russia, la la la, We can't hear you".

    This site is not a clearing house for your political propaganda and no one is obligated to just listen to it and never push back. Free exchange of ideas includes other people being able to tell you that your ideas don't make sense, are unconvincing or downright stupid. People unwilling to be reasoned with often leads to others frustration with their position. Perhaps those doggedly pushing specific ideologies should consider their part in contributing to a civil environment.

    One trait of the left that's clearly apparent now is that unless you are getting things 100% in your favour 100% of the time, you believe there is some huge injustice and no doubt it's the fault of Trump or the white male patriarchy or whatever todays outrage-8-ball throws up.

    We try to encourage people to follow the posting guidelines and be civil - if you have specific incidents you would like to see addressed then there is a process for doing that outlined and made clear in the guidelines. You haven't pointed to any specific incident and are just making general accusations which are of course intentional so they cannot be specifically countered or addressed.

  • Whynot

    Thank you

  • recovering

    I just want to understand something I am anything but an Obama supporter . However, I see no restrictions regarding anti Obama statements. Is it now the policy of this site to only except criticism of left wing politicians? I am a moderate Republican and would like to be able to criticize those on both sides of the aisle. Is this no longer allowed?

  • Simon
    I see no restrictions regarding anti Obama statements

    That's because you believe being fair is being biased against you and you don't notice or recognize when two things are simply not the same or equivalent. I'm not going to have this debate with you again. I've already explained it twice now at least, if you're not happy or can't accept it, well ... unlucky.

    Is it now the policy of this site to only except criticism of left wing politicians?

    No, we just want proper discussion, not propaganda.

    Having some policy continue from one president to another suddenly become "the worst thing ever" because the new President wasn't your choice in the election shows to me that people don't really care about the issue concerned so much as they want to use it as a political football and I 'get' that some believe the way to win is to now bombard the airwaves with their message and try to get everyone riled up and angry, but we can do without it.

    Again, if you thing you have something concrete to complain about then there is a way to do that which is clearly outlined in the terms of use / posting guidelines which I can recommend reviewing. Continually making accusations of unfair treatment isn't going to accomplish anything.

  • humbled
    Having some policy continue from one president to another suddenly become "the worst thing ever" because the new President wasn't your choice in the election shows to me that people don't really care about the issue concerned so much as they want to use it as a political football.—Simon

    My frustration, Simon, is that I will take as much time as I can to carefully craft my post so that it is specific to an issue. I don’t see any point in fighting about left and right Democrat and Republican.
    I posted a remark not long ago about the distinction between past presidents and the border and the recent policy of separation of families—as you mention above. But a reasonable comment is largely a waste of time. A thought that can’t be used as a target or as cannon fodder is pretty much ignored.

    The issues of immigration, incarceration, radical Islam are topics that concern me. But the overall value of sharing information and thinking about these subject in this forum is compromised critically by the rapid conversion of the OP into a match between the righties and the lefties. I object!

    I have looked back at old old conversations some present others not...and the difference is night and day. heartbreaking and beautiful to read the kindly and yet strong exchange of posters long ago.

    What happened to us?

    Certainly common courtesy is so rare now that when there rises such behavior it stands out as a remarkable event. Truly.

    The only time in recent memory that l recall such courtesy was crusty cofty in his upright manner asking that l verify the source for a strong statement l had made. When I complied he simply posted “Thank you for that” —a courtesy so remarkable in this present climate as to be heroic.

    l have had moments on this board when l have changed my thinking on certain very important topics or belief. (That’s kind of amazing.)The verbal combat was, well, combative. Because it wasn’t a play game sometimes there were terrific injuries. But the points were fairly made. The points hit marks without the poison. These discussions burned long and hot but were valuable in that they allowed for digression enough to be thorough but they kept to a point. They let you think.

    Just as poison arrows are used when the hunter is not able to strike the vitals. l have discovered a viewpoint delivered with toxic rhetoric and insult have not the power to strike the heart of a matter. If the speaker relies on poison to destroy another’s thought it prejudices the matter in my mind.

    I guess l have said plenty even if l do have a lot more l would say. But l have to say this:

    l have spent a good deal of time on this board searching through others thoughts and my own since l arrived after I left the Watchtower. I never was just killing time —l have waitied out a cancer treatment here , sorted my religious belief one winter/spring and now recently l have been rebuilding life after a violent assault in the family that may finally have divided us forever. But the board doesn’t feel as safe to me anymore. Boohoo, right? I say l am shameless but l am not without feelings.

    I will watch to see what develops. Certainly with the ups and downs l have had in family life a moment when so many others have stepped forward with their concerns is rather a moment of hope than otherwise. It is an opportunity for a good turn to come.

    We certainly need it.

    l do love you all.


  • Crazyguy

    It’s good to not get involved with political discussions on boards like this one. In the end those people running the board will sensor those that don’t agree with them, happens just about every time. That’s why I like to stay on JWs subjects or ones that could effect the JWs discussion because in the end isn’t that what this forum is all about?

  • Simon
    In the end those people running the board will sensor those that don’t agree with them, happens just about every time.

    Except that isn't true. People on both sides have things removed if they go too far. Having something removed doesn't mean you have been censored or silenced, it can just mean we're done with you beating your dead horse.

    One thing I can absolutely guarantee is that the people complaining about 'censorship' the most would probably last 30 seconds before they were deleting everything and everyone who disagreed with them.

  • Simon
    The issues of immigration, incarceration, radical Islam are topics that concern me. But the overall value of sharing information and thinking about these subject in this forum is compromised critically by the rapid conversion of the OP into a match between the righties and the lefties. I object!

    I agree. This is one of the reasons I curtail the more thoughtless propagandist posts and people who end up just making petty points that don't contribute. Of course the people doing that are often the first to scream "censorship!". Sometimes people try to play the system - if there is a topic they don't like and can't argue, they will try to bury it under a lot of noise and ruin the discussion. Again, I'd rather sacrifice their non-contributions when that happens but it can be time consuming dealing with the thing and then the reactions to the thing and then the debate about the reaction to the thing.

    There is no way to please everyone so I really don't give a flying fuck if some people end up unhappy. All that matters is that topics are not ruined and discussions are valuable and / or interesting, hopefully both.

  • hoser

    If anyone is offended they are free to leave. Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.

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