I agree with you OnTheWayOut....... doctrine is the lesser evil for a JW.
It does effect some....... but really very few. A religion is usually not about doctrine......it's about illusion. The Mormons are a good example. This punk ass........ Joseph Smith, a con artist invents a religion that encourages plural wives and becoming a god of their own planet.
People continue to be a JW because they really really want to live in a paradise earth. Forget heaven....... their need is to........ continue as they are....... gain a paradise earth and all the benefits there in.
Too many changes to keep up with......... new lite...... old lite........ doesn't factor in. Generations or 607 BC is of no consequence to a follower of the WTBTS. Hell if they are dismissive of child sexual abuse in their congregations how are you going to reach them with a debate about their dogma. A JW becomes adept at the minor adjustments one needs to make delusions real.
What we have with your average JW is rational ignorance. No point in reading about or understanding anything that doesn't fit into the JW world view.
What we have are selfish people who think they are special.