Anteater eating a rasberry in Canada
by JH 34 Replies latest jw friends
Anteater eating a rasberry in Canada
Kite eating an olive in Denmark.
Wow....I got J. Rutherford sipping on vodka in san diego.......what the hell!
Actually Blondie, I got what was expected. I guess i'm a 98% er
I got a question for you. Would you e-mail me and send the one similar to this....but ended with the answer in a crystal ball? Or post it here with a link...................pleeeeeeeeease! I sent you a message a week ago and apparently I don't do it right as the message just stays in MY box.
Cat eating a tomatoe in Dominicin Republic
Cow eating watermellon in the Dominican Republic.
And I thought I was different. That is too freaky!!!
I knew they wanted you to say "Kangaroo" after Denmark, so I put in "Koala Bear", which ends in "R", leading to the fruit called a raspberry. A Koala eating a raspberry in Denmark? Something is rotten in the state of Denmark!!
Any number gag that starts with 'pick a number between 1 & 10' should make people check their wallets;
x x*9=y y-5=z z-5
1 9 9 4
2 18 9 4
3 27 9 4
Every possibility ends up with 9-5=4=D.
That means you can 'control' the answer to Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica and the Dominican Republic.
Denmark is going to get chosen over an unspellable country or two small Carribian countires most of the time.
The most memorable animal begining with a K is kangaroo; there aren't that many either, which reionforces the effect even more.
Isn't it really dull that the inexplicable often is explicable?
Isn't it really dull that the inexplicable often is explicable?
Well it wasn't DULL, untill you came along and explained it all and ruined all the party crasher scrooge
Got any flies handy? I'm really good at pulling the wings of them too (and proving they can still fly if you throw them hard enough).
Bah! Humbug, etc..