Old JW's will get older and die off.
Young JW's will either see it for the nonsense it has become and leave, or just use the KHall as a place to socialise.
The public will become more aware of the harmfulness and the stupidity of JWism.
End result - falling attendance and reduced ministry hours, despite the WT trying to fudge the report to allow more stuff to be counted.
Elders will get overworked and quit, and newer elders will be of a lower calibre in order to fill the gaps. For these low achievers, being appointed will be the most impressive thing they will have ever accomplished.
The public WT and Awake magazines will be stopped, and f.service will be about tracts and tablets.
The study WT will be tablet only, so print one yourself if you need to.
They will keep asking for more money under the guise of new and creative schemes until even the die-hards are asking WTH?
The GB will expand in size to 12, adding more middle aged, western, white men.
There will be one massive legal defeat for the WT somewhere that gets lots of publicity.
I can see nothing positive in the WT future.
They will say something stupid to get everyone excited about persecution or Armageddon, but like all their other attempts it will be short lived and disappointing.