Christian "NO GO" zones in US

by Coded Logic 10 Replies latest social humour

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    I can't believe this is taking place in our country! All across America there are areas where people are trying to enforce Christian Law! Outsiders are strictly forbidden from entering and they have private security and guards to keep people out. This is terrifying!

    This one in Southern California has Mormon razor wire

    And here - it looks like a radical Christians group is trying to build some kind of prison compound in New York State

    We must stop these Christian no go zones from happening otherwise we'll soon all be forced to live under Christian Law and might end up locked up in their jails!!!!!!

  • hothabanero

    never go full libtard bro lol.

  • MrRoboto

    So I'm banned from some obscure place that I wouldn't want to go to anyways? Not sure I see the problem there. A bit like getting banned from mosques or synagogues I'd say.

    I think my main concern there would be for the poor saps who have been duped into being there.

  • smiddy3

    Maybe they are scared of the Muslim / Islam influence taking hold in the USA or the threat of it taking hold I should say.

  • Simon

    There's a difference between having a no-go zone which is really just someone's private property, not open to the public, and what becomes a no-go zone because it's an enclave taken over by some group but not really "theirs" - what should be public areas.

    You will struggle to find Christian examples of the latter where it's not-safe for non-Christians to go, but I think it is easy to point to Muslim examples.

    THAT is the difference. Stop trying to make everything equal when it isn't.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Christians don't actually have their own laws. They have principles, their version of right and wrong etc.

    Their leader, Jesus Christ, told his followers to obey the superior authorities, not overthrow them.

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic
    There's a difference between having a no-go zone which is really just someone's private property, not open to the public, and what becomes a no-go zone because it's an enclave taken over by some group but not really "theirs" - what should be public areas.
    Fox News isn't flipping out because Muslims are taking over public property. These right wing nut bags are lighting their hair on fire because Muslims are on private property. They have one standard for Christians and an entirely different standard for Muslims:

    . . .

  • knowsnothing1
  • fulltimestudent

    Most have heard an old saying, which states:

    "Those who the God's wish to destroy, the first drive mad,"

    Do you think this is happening?

  • scratchme1010

    I can't believe this is taking place in our country! All across America there are areas where people are trying to enforce Christian Law! Outsiders are strictly forbidden from entering and they have private security and guards to keep people out. This is terrifying!

    This one in Southern California has Mormon razor wire

    That's not a new thing in America.

    I'm with Mr. Roboto, to some degree. I can't care less about what others decide to do with their religion, up until the point where my taxes start paying for it.

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