Jws getting drunk

by Farmer Jim1 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farmer Jim1
    Farmer Jim1

    Has anyone got any good 'JWs and alcohol' stories? I always found it amazing that so many JWs got blind drunk at parties and got away with it! I suppose alcohol was the only fun thing we were allowed to partake in...

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  • Ron.W.

    I found one jw elder in the gutter blind drunk in a road near me. I bundled him in the car - he was absolutely smashed and took him home.

    A few days later his wife rang and tried to berate me for taking him out and getting him drunk.

    I politely but firmly told her I had nothing to do with her husband getting drunk - I had merely stumbled upon him lying polatic in the road on my way home.

    She then had to apologise and eat a bit of humble pie and thank me for getting him home safely.

    His shepherding calls to me after that were very sheepish indeed!!!

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  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    mid 60's--i was about 16 and due to give a ministry school talk that evening. But it was christmas eve--and i went to an after work christmas party.

    I was found passed out pissed in the lavatory--on the floor with my arm round the toilet.

    i woke up next morning--couldnt remember anything.

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  • Foolednomore

    It was my daughter's wedding, I was joyful, it was a hot summer wedding. I had too many Long Island Ice tea's. Was found passed out in the house.

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  • NotFormer

    StanLivedeath: drunk, 16 and a Christmas party...did the elders ever find out? 😱

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  • HOTB

    The PO's wife was a drunk. One night at a fellow elders house they had a party - she was absolutely legless. The PO acted as if nothing was amiss and calmly took her home. Needless to say there was much laughter and gossiping but nothing was ever said or done about it. His standing was never questioned and life continued as normal!

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  • Biahi

    Not former, I think in England, you can legally drink at age 16.

  • enoughisenough

    I was working with a brother in his garage staining trim for a KH build. I had drank no more than 2 beer over a good period of time while working. Some brothers from the Hall build site stopped by to get me to take me home. Months later, when I was reporting on another's adultery and the elders were trying to protect him, they threw shade on me, accusing me of being drunk while staining the trim. They said it had been reported to them, but never told me who said it. One of the brothers who picked me up was in that Judicial meeting and he kept his mouth shut. When leaving I told him, he knew it wasn't true because he had picked me up and drove me home as had been pre arranged. To this day, I don't know who spread that lie. People could report anything about you, tell anysort of lie ( like I was shacked up in a motel with a person ) and you would never know who spread these lies. Really, if someone had something against you, they were to tell you first...not so with the JW hypocrites.

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  • LongHairGal


    You say that to this day you never found out who spread this lie about you being drunk. It’s doubtful you ever will.

    It’s bad enough when somebody got ratted out in the religion about something they actually did. But, when it’s a false accusation, it makes you even more angry. As for the hypocrites’ excuse that they ‘won’t reveal their sources’, this is nonsense as well. Maybe only one person (with an issue) said this and in order to cover himself, he will say ‘he heard somebody else say…’

    There is no defense against the rampant character assassination and gossip in the Jehovah’s Witness religion. Sometimes it’s based on jealousy and somebody wants somebody to look bad.. Many have been victimized one time or another over something.. It varies. In your case it was over an accusation about ‘drinking’.

  • DesirousOfChange

    JW weddings in the 70's were notorious for "overdrinking".

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