Ukraine and Armageddon

by jhine 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jhine

    I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark here and guess that the Watchtower is having a wonderful time over the whole Ukraine situation.

    Is the whole " end of times " thing being pushed again to bring dissidents back into line . They must be seeing as a gift from above .


    I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark here and guess that the Watchtower is having a wonderful time over the whole Ukraine situation.

    They loved using 1 Thess. 5:3. NWT in my day. Every time the phrase ''peace and security'' was mentioned, the Watchtower Society used its application that Armageddon was imminent.

    Barack Obama 2009 "I believe that America holds within her the truth that regardless of race, religion, or station in life, all of us share common aspirations - to live in peace and security;" A New Beginning (June 2009) as of 14 Jun 2020

    George W Bush 2001 "America and our friends and allies join with all those who want peace and security in the world." Remarks on the September 11 attacks (11 September 2001) as of 14 Jun 2020

    Bill Clinton 1998 "Because we are blessed to be a wealthy nation with a powerful military and a worldwide presence active in promoting peace and security, we are often a target." Documents on Terrorism President Clinton Remarks to the 53rd UN General Assembly; September 21, 1998

    George H W Bush 1991 State of the Union 29 Jan 1991 "What is at stake is more than one small country [Kuwait], it is a big idea — a new world order where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind: peace and security, freedom and the rule of law." Watchtower 1991 Jul 15 p.3

    Ronald Reagan 1985 "We strive for peace and security, heartened by the changes all around us." Ronald Reagan's Second Inaugural Address Ronald Reagan Second Inaugural Address

    Jimmy Carter 1980 "Together as one people, let us work to build our strength at home, and together as one indivisible union, let us seek peace and security throughout the world." State of the Union 23 Jan 1980

    Gerald Ford 1976 "As a major world power, we in America have an obligation to maintain peace and security both here and abroad." - Remarks on Arrival at Bossier City, Louisiana. April 27, 1976 presidency.ucsb.eduas of 14 Jun 2020

    Richard Nixon 1974 The following statement was made by King Faisal Ibn Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia at a State dinner in Jidda June 14 1974 "We hope that the United States of America will continue her efforts for a just and lasting peace in the area so that it may live in peace and security, because it is peace and security that form the basis for its development and prosperity."

    Lyndon Johnson 1967 "Is the aggression a threat not only to the immediate victim but to the United States of America and to the peace and security of the entire world of which we in America are a very vital part?" The Pentagon Papers, Gravel Edition, Volume 4, (Boston: Beacon Press, 1971), pp.671-678.

    John F. Kennedy 1962 "In short, our leadership in science and industry, our hopes for peace and security, our obligations to ourselves as well as others, all require us to make this effort, to solve these mysteries, to solve them for the good of all men, and to become the world's leading space-faring nation." Address at Rice University in Houston on the Nation's Space Effort

    Dwight D. Eisenhower 1957 "Thereby we have helped to maintain peace and security during a period of great danger." Eisenhower Doctrine ruhr-uni-bochum.deas of 14 Jun 2020

    Harry S. Truman 1949 "In addition, we will provide military advice and equipment to free nations which will cooperate with us in the maintenance of peace and security." as of 14 Jun 2020

    Franklin D. Roosevelt 1944 "The maintenance of peace and security must be the joint task of all peace-loving Nations." as of 14 Jun 2020

  • smiddy3

    The United Nations declared 1986 as the" International Year of Peace and Security"

    Stil no Armageddon.

  • waton

    dont forget that the conflicts smoldering right now all have a strong religious component, different sects of the orthodox, Islamic world. that has to stop first, all babylons, small and great have to be gone. before then,

    wt leaders have to vanish to their valhalla. to be combat - ready immortal warriors. only then, when you thought there finally could be peace, ---

  • LoveUniHateExams

    I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark here and guess that the Watchtower is having a wonderful time over the whole Ukraine situation - yeah, it's a safe bet, lol.

    Watchtower have form in this regard. WW1, WW2, The Cold War, 9/11 all were supposed to bring on Armageddon.

    Now they're likely to point at Ukraine and say the exact same thing.

  • solomon

    Jehovahs witnesses have made so many sacrifices and given up so much for the Armageddon retirement plan that they hang on to every thread of hope.

  • LongHairGal


    You nailed it. So many Witnesses want the End to come because they are miserable living in this world because they were urged Not to prepare for old age and retirement.

    So, instead of getting decent jobs/careers with benefits years ago, they were conned into working part time, etc. so they could be in the ministry..They got lots of praise and were invited to special gatherings (as though that means anything now)🙄.. They had nothing but disdain for people like myself who worked full-time.

    Well, now these Witnesses have reached retirement age and Armageddon hasn’t come yet. They are panicked. Some still working at hard manual labor their bodies can’t take. Others are asking other JWs for money. These people all want the End to come because of the predicament they are in.

  • TonusOH

    It's the Sunk Cost fallacy: once you have invested so much into a belief, it can be very difficult to let it go, since that means you wasted a lot of time and energy that you won't get back.

    I'm old enough to remember when the UN declared 1986 the year of peace and security, and the WT making note of it. But after enough time, you get used to the WT pointing out yet another sign that the end is very close. But not that close, God is patient and wants all to be saved! But still, it's really close. Just not quite yet. But honest, it's super close, it's almost here! But not yet. But almost. But...

  • pistolpete

    Well, now these Witnesses have reached retirement age and Armageddon hasn’t come yet. They are panicked.


    A few weeks back I ran into this JW who was picking up trash in a parking lot. I know he was a JW because he started witnessing to me about the end being close according to the bible.

    I asked his age because he was elderly and struggling to walk. He told me he would be the BIG 90 this year and his wife was 75 years old. I guess he married a sister 15 years younger. That wouldn't matter if he had money but I guess he was poor but SPIRITUALLY STRONG.💪

    I wished him a happy birthday and he told me right away he didn't celebrate birthdays.

    I asked him what in the hell was he doing working at this age? He said he only got 400 plus a month from social security and that was it. I guess he worked part time because I know some Non-jw that didn't start a retirement but they still get over $2000 a month in social security because they worked full time, plus medicare.

    I wonder how many of that generation are having to deal with this problem??

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    The news in general makes this look like a rerun of ww2. Columns of tanks, infantry, Carpet bombing.

    Guess we better get our purple triangles ready.

    Reality; a distraction from the failed economy and incompetence of leaders. From pictures All bets off on meetings of Russian troops ( men and women) and US women paratroopers, and pregnancy flight suit crews. Not to mention restricted duty from appendage removal.

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