blondie’s first thoughts review 8-18-19 (June 2019)(pages 8-13)(overturn reasoning)
In the WTS preview of this article the say:
We may find that certain wrong attitudes have become firmly entrenched in our personality.
How often over the last 50 plus years have I seen the term “attitudes” used by the WTS. What are attitudes per the WTS? Basically, the WTS concentrates and any negative viewpoints jws might have about what the WTS says or is doing.
We may find—true definition other jws or the WTS will point them out to you, no need to examine yourself in reality.
So the WTS uses 18 paragraphs to guide other jws to judge what your attitudes are.
My First Thoughts as reading paragraphs 1-18
Paragraph 1
Why did he give such strong admonition to men and women who were dedicated to God and anointed with holy spirit?
Why would the WTS have to bring out this point? Because many jws think that the anointed somehow are closer to human perfection than the other sheep.
What is the official stance of the WTS on this? Do the anointed have more holy spirit than the other sheep?
Can we say that God’s servants today who have the earthly hope have as much of God’s spirit as do spirit-anointed Christians?
Yet the fact remains that the same truths and the same understanding are available to both classes, and it is just how the individuals apply themselves in study that determines the comprehension of heavenly and earthly things they acquire. The Lord’s spirit is available in equal portions to both classes, and knowledge and understanding are offered equally to both, with equal opportunities for absorbing it.”
Paragraph 2-3
Here is one for the elders: Satan…uses various tactics. One of them is that of exploiting any tendency we may have toward selfish ambition or self-promotion.
Here’s another regarding education, yes advanced education can lead jws to Satan’s thinking
aspects of our background, our culture, or our education to bring us over to his way of thinking.
Or this:
“we are bringing every thought into captivity to make it obedient to the Christ.”
Obedient to Christ or to the WTS/GB? If one disobeys the imperfect human GB, is that the same as disobeying Christ?
The second brother stated: “Such scriptures as 2 Corinthians 10:5, about ‘obedience to Christ,’ have helped me to be obedient and cooperate with those taking the lead.
w14 11/15 pp. 8-12 - The Watchtower—2014
Paragraph 4
For many of us, this involved giving up some form of wrong conduct.
So which of the jws had no form of wrong conduct to give up?
Paragraph 5
Even though we stopped committing serious sins that we engaged in before baptism, we still need to be diligent about avoiding anything that would tempt us to return to those former deeds (not new deeds or were those who were not of the many not committing any serious sins?)
By contrast, the Greek word translated “disguising” at 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 refers to a change that is outward only, a superficial change in appearance. (PIMO jws?)
Paragraph 6
It touches every fiber of our being… Are the changes I am making to become a Christian only skin-deep,
(to become a Christian or a jw, how many jws have you known, elders and so-called mature jws, that proved that they their actions proved their words?)
Paragraph 7
possible to change what we are inside, but it is not easy to do. We need to do more than just suppress
(I knew too many jws that thought if other jws had no knowledge of their bad thoughts and actions, that they were safe. It was it they were like the Israelites in Ezekiel’s time that were worshipping false idols right in the temple with the Jewish priests officiation, saying, “Jehovah has left the land and he is not seeing.”)
Paragraph 8-9
brother who had a violent background. After he stopped drinking and fighting,.. But when the man eventually blasphemed Jehovah’s name, it was too much for our new brother. He went out and beat up the man.
(No mention of how the community viewed this and whether he was disciplined by the BOE. What about if he beat up his wife and/or children? Would it have been different if this man was an elder?) Then:
A drunk man was about to beat up one of the other elders. What did our brother do? In a calm, humble manner, he reasoned with the drunk man, eased the tension, (so this is how to do, does he do it at home?)
Paragraph 10
do not take place overnight; nor do they occur automatically
(so how long after this new brother beat up the man, was he considered worthy of being appointed an MS or elder?)
Paragraph 11
Prayer is the important first step… Jehovah was willing to help those Israelites to change, and he is willing to help us too.
(But only through the imperfect, human GB and their representatives)
Paragraph 12-13
Meditation is the second vital step. As we peer into God’s Word each day, we need to take the time to meditate, or to think deeply.
(But in the end, it is the elders and the WT publications that will identify what you need to change as paragraph enumerates)
For instance, ask yourself: ‘Is there a trace of envy or jealousy in my heart?’ (1 Pet. 2:1) ‘Do I feel a measure of pride because of my background, education, or financial status?’ (Prov. 16:5) ‘Do I look down on others who do not have the same things I have or who are from a different racial background?’ (Jas. 2:2-4) ‘Do I feel attracted to what Satan’s world offers?’ (1 John 2:15-17) ‘Do I feel drawn to immoral and violent entertainment?’ (Ps. 97:10; 101:3; Amos 5:15)
Paragraph 14
Choosing good association is the third necessary step. Whether we realize it or not, we are strongly influenced by those with whom we associate.
(and not everyone at the KH is considered good association by the WTS, in fact the WTS says that 1 Corinthians 15:33 was a warning from Paul about those in the congregation not outside.)
Paul’s counsel at 1 Corinthians 15:33 was particularly applicable to whom?
6 In the course of providing firm evidence that the dead are to be resurrected, Paul told them: “Do not be misled. Bad associations spoil useful habits.” The point of this counsel concerned those associated with the congregation who disagreed on the resurrection doctrine.
Paragraph 15-16
Satan is determined to change our thinking.
(so jws think then that Satan is personally attacking them?)
Did God really say that . . . Does God really not approve of same-sex marriage? Does God really not want you to celebrate Christmas and birthdays? Does your God really expect you to refuse a blood transfusion? Does a loving God really expect you to avoid association with disfellowshipped loved ones?’
(No God did not say that, the WTS/GB takes it upon themselves to speak for God)
Paragraph 17
we may prove to ourselves “the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” (Rom. 12:2) By regular study,
(regular study of the bible or WTS/GB publications which “interpret” what they say as “god’s” representatives
Paragraph 18
No one else can stabilize your faith for you
(Except the WTS/GB and their representatives as they help you by examining and judging worthy or unworthy)
I have noticed how often the WTS/GB repeats the “admonition” to the flock to pray, meditate, study, and attend the meetings. All propaganda sessions outlining the GB’s viewpoint (attitude). Yes, jws are unthankful for the GB’s efforts to cut back on the time for meetings, the length of the publications, the dumbing down of the articles, only to waste that time on personal entertainment and activities. Shame, shame, shame you jws.
(I think of all of you still attending meetings. I hope you can take your minds to a happy place.)
Love, Blondie