Has Anything Really Changed For JWs In The Last 10 Years?

by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • TD


    One instance that I recall was in 2014 when U.S. congregations entertained international convention delegates with local culture

    Jump to 29:48 in this video for example:


    -Nothing at all wrong with this. It's just very different from the JWs that I knew.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    There's been a truckload of doctrinal & teachings related changes over the past decade:

    1) Officially WT stated that type and anti-type rhetoric supposedly was going to end...although from time to time WT slips up & gets into speculation mode in its literature.

    2) JWs are no longer the Locusts of Joel 2 after decades & decades of this teaching. Locusts supposedly are now JW's enemies.

    3) The words 'mental regulating' at Ephesians 6:4 have been removed from WT's new silver bullet Bible. After decades, WT finally accepted the fact that parents shouldn't be regulating or programming a young mind like you do cruise control in your vehicle or the heater/AC thermostat in your home...dah! How many millions of damaged JW rank & file must there be who grew up with this 'mental regulating' cult-like indoctrination technique...sad!

  • JoenB75

    I grew up in JW in the 70s and 80s. The cartoons and autotune songs are certainly new light

  • Giordano

    What has changed is the use of the internet. Once Satan's internet........ is now the life line that the Society uses. However the problem is that the entire internet can now be accessed by any inquiring person even those that attend a meeting and see the truth for what it is.

    This is true of all religions and the end result is the fastest growth is now coming from the 'Nons'........... people who don't recognize any truth in beliefs that can't be proved.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    I meant to post earlier on this, I forgot but here goes.

    The 'Governing Body' praise has been readily ramped-up with the mentally manipulative propaganda videos and broadcasts.

    Governing Body praise and more outright cries for money(donations) like the begging youngsters to donate ice cream money.

    Additionally, as some have posted more 'us vs. them' mentality. Every time they get a chance to slam the tans-gender community, they do it. With those videos at the Conventions depicting the trans-genders to get extremely confrontational. Or making young grade school kids to feel extremely uncomfortable when taking their stand against the trans-gender community.

    Pretty much Governing Body praise is stepped-up, us vs. them mentality and last but not least Donate, Donate, Donate, blah blah.

  • JoenB75

    Dancing is a big part of black culture. It is difficult for me to imagine of black / African / African-American congregations just sitting still, but I guess that has happened? I am pretty certain JW org has been forced to allow certain cultural differences for decades?

  • Spiral

    I do think it's turning into a culty mega-church. The tone is somewhat different, and more culty, than what I remember from before.

  • Steel

    I remember being in a meeting and some lady going crazy about her trip to bethel and how she got to met some of the anointed and how Jehovah was usually these people in the last days. I couldn’t help but think doesn’t this dingbat realize it’s all made up by seven men. These partakers don’t really do anything.

    It couldn’t have been less than a month later the faithful slave just meant the governing body. I was like no shit Colombo. It was one of the last meeting I went to.

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    After the generation change, a few of my hardcore dub friends were a little confused, even to the point of admitting their confusion to me. One elder friend said that 'he didn't like' the abandonment of the 1914 generation.

    The Splane video is what changed it for them. What they craved was direction from mother - any direction, and they were ready to gulp it down.

    Since then, my old friends have become more cult like and have buried their heads even deeper into the sand of denial. They will not even discuss the subject.

    The org is based on feel good emotion now. It is all about #bestlifeever #jwgirls #jwboys #pioneer instagram hashtags.

    The past decade has solidified the gb as rock stars and while a lot have seen through the smoke, there are still a lot that cannot let go, and are just not quite ready to think for themselves.

  • Diogenesister
    Slim boy fat Gilead stops training new missionaries

    They still have Gilead graduations though, don’t they?

    This has always confused me, since I heard they were closing the missionary school, too.

    I wonder what the excuse they gave for that was, no.1, and No.2 what do the current Gilead graduations represent?

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