For an all powerful, all knowing god it seems most of his plans go awry, so why assume that Armageddon/ New system will work? Look at the track record. ..
Adam and eve... went wrong
Noah ark (as per another post they still went wicked afterwards
The Jews in the so called land of milk and honey were constantly being invaded or worshipping other gods
His prophets seemed to be doomed as soon as God came calling
King David. .. pretty screwed up
King Solomon aka wisest man ever.... went wrong
Jesus when a child had kings after his blood
And after Jesus died no one even thought to write down anything about him for a couple of centuries?
In the present day the so called chosen ones, the gb ,have been so unclear and uncertain about what God wants that they've flip flopped on doctrine multiple times and now have a system in place that has created a peados paradise!
... it's been one messy failure after another! So why would the future plans of God be any different in there evidential outcome?
(Ps for the record I'm atheist, but its fun to debate subjects like this from the point of view of a believer )