Hard-boiled detectives and hotshot prosecuting attorneys, the lot of them.
Watchtower Spies and Secret Agents
by TerryWalstrom 29 Replies latest watchtower scandals
This is rediculous, sorry. This just don't exist.
If this didn't happen to me personally, I would have totally disregarded it... the fact is, it DID! Back in 2012-13 HELL YES, the WT was experimenting with cookie and IP address tracking software and had been quite successful in catching a few PIMO's on "apostate sites" making/leaking information. One of my family members fell victim and was caught, called in for a judicial meeting where they were all too ready to DF him. A war of words ensued that this was a witch hunt since no one seemed to know HOW the elders came to know of his being on the sites in question... doesn't there have to be an actual accuser? There was a stalemate and after several hours the verdict had been changed from auto DF to public reproof... Later on, after things had blown over just a bit, I approached one of the elders on the committee... (Keep in mind, I was still very much physically and mentally in at this time) I asked innocently a question that bounced to the fact that they had received emails from an "inside source" showing our internet IP address was on a list that was being compiled, and that is why our family member was called in... (there's more to this, but I cannot tell all details since this person is STILL LEAKING info) he just found another way to do it without being tracked. I don't think they care about the average publisher--- I think they are more tracking MS, elders and other high ups that have access to things that they don't want leaked... just my personal opinion...
PS> as far as some of the stuff on the link of the original post... I don't know... I agree with the comments that most of it, if not all, was crap elders would take upon themselves... I do know for a certainty in the 70's they would follow suspicious activities of members (like going into gay club etc) and definitely watching singles homes to catch them fornicating... this was to comply with the almighty 2 witness rule!!! Anyway, I am not big on conspiracy theories-- but theres so much crap this org has been caught doing... wouldn't put it past them.
just fine
Just a 4 years ago one of my relatives was stalked by elders. I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it myself when I was staying at the relatives house for a week. They showed up at the house nearly every day. Outside a grocery store, outside a restaurant, until I finally had enough and called the sheriff. It does happen.
I do know for a certainty in the 70's they would follow suspicious activities of members (like going into gay club etc) and definitely watching singles homes to catch them fornicating
I am also aware that certain elders would follow and stake-out cong members if the elders suspected or received reports the person (baptised or not) was behaving in an unapproved manner. Whether that activity was sanctioned by WT can only be speculated on but as I have since read where similar also occurred in other locations, leads me to suspect the elder's behaviour had been sanctioned.
Whether surveillance continues to occur, IDK.
Just because we may not wish to believe something or have witnessed it occurring for ourselves, does not mean it doesn't happen.
fulano - "This is rediculous, sorry. This just don't exist."
I heard - on very reliable authority, I might add - about an MS who snuck into a congregation members' house in the hopes of finding porn on the guy's computer.
So, I don't find this shit that hard to believe.
I think they are more tracking MS, elders and other high ups that have access to things that they don't want leaked
NEWS FLASH: It isn’t working!
Mad Irishman
This post is silly. There has never been a conspiracy to spy within the JW's. If you were once an elder you would know this is stupid. Have there been nutcase elders who does stupid things? Of course. But to put out there silly conspiracy things like this that are half-baked and wishful thinking make you look like a loon.
Here's a nutcase doing stupid, and probably illegal things: Starts at about 44 minutes in.
I don't think the methods come from the top. But if it helps WT, they don't mind and individuals probably encourage it. Tattletales are encouraged and rewarded, so anything goes as as far as apostates, as long as you don't get caught.