A long and dusty road… paved with lies!

by MacHislopp 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • MacHislopp

    Hello everyone,

    This topic will deal, with the WTBS Inc. , usual habit of paving the

    present and the the past with many well written …lies.

    Let's take as a reminder, these two quotes published in the year 1971:

    *** sg 110 21 Informative Material, Clearly Presented ***

    9 Accuracy of statement. Jehovah’s witnesses are an organization of truth. We should want to speak the truth and be absolutely accurate in every detail at all times. This should be so not only as regards doctrine but also in our quotations, what we say about others or how we represent them, also in matters involving scientific data or news events.

    and this one, in the year 1994 :

    *** w94 1/1 20 The Watchtower and Awake!-Timely Journals of Truth Magazines That Advocate Truth

    3 Jehovah is the God of truth. (Psalm 31:5) His Word, the Bible, is a book of truth. (John 17:17) Honesthearted people respond to truth. (Compare John 4:23, 24.) One reason that TheWatchtower and Awake! have touched the hearts of millions of readers is that they are journals of integrity and truth. In fact, it was over the issue of loyalty to Bible truth that TheWatchtower began to be published."

    We have received the message: only a few printed lines and already 9 times the word "TRUTH " is literally thrown to the ' reader'!

    Now let's test this bold statement and examine its implications , in a very serious matter: the existence of a ' Governing Body'.

    Don't worry, just a simple but far reaching declaration. So we advance in time and we arrive to the year 2001 and we can read from an article in "The Watchtower" , the section 'Do You Remember?' the following:

    "The Watchtower " April 15 th , 2001 page 29:

    *How does the Governing Body differ froml a legal corporation?

    While directors of a legal corporation are voted into office by its members , the

    Governing Body is not appointed by any man but is appointed by Jesus Christ. There is no need for the directors of the various corporations used by the Jehovah's Witnesses to be members of the Governing Body.. A the recent annual meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, members of the Governing Body who were serving as its directors and officers voluntarily stepped aside from their positions. The vacancies were filled by mature brothers of the "other sheep." (John 10:16) Thus the Governing Body can spend more time in preparing spiritual food and in otherwise caring for the spiritual needs of the worldwide brotherhood.- (1/15, page 29,31).-

    Let's go back in time to the year 1999 :

    *** w99 2/1 18 Our Treasure in Earthen Vessels ***

    18 The year 1938 was crucial in clearly identifying the two classes. The March 15 and April 1, 1938, issues of The Watchtower presented the two-part study “His Flock” and made clear the relative places of the anointed remnant and their companions, the great crowd. Then the June 1 and June 15 issues carried study articles on “Organization,” based on Isaiah 60:17. All congregations were called on to request the Governing Body to appoint local servants, thus bringing in an improved, God-ordained, theocratic arrangement. The congregations did just so."

    This article infers, or leads to the assumption that in the year 1938 there was already a 'Governing Body'!

    Let's go back another 2 years, in the year 1997 :

    *** w97 5/15 17 Theocratic Administration in the Christian Era ***

    8 From the incorporation of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania in 1884 until 1972, the president of the Society exercised great authority in Jehovah’s organization, while the Governing Body was closely associated with the Society’s board of directors. The blessings enjoyed during those years prove that Jehovah accepted that arrangement. Between 1972 and 1975, the Governing Body was enlarged to 18 members. Things moved closer to the first-century arrangement when greater authority was invested in this enlarged body, some of whom are directors of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania.

    Well, things do get a bit confused: from 1884 until 1972, a president with great authority , a ' Governing Body associated with the Society's board of directors and in 1972 ' enlargement ' of 'the Governing Body'.-

    There is a need to see a clearer picture so we go back another 3 years, and we arrive to the year 1993.

    It is beneficial to take a closer look at the book 'Proclaimers…' published in 1993:

    *** jv 228 15 Development of the Organization Structure ***

    Then, in 1944, a service assembly was held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in connection with the Watch Tower Society’s annual meeting. On September 30, prior to that annual meeting, a series of highly significant talks were given on what the Scriptures say as to the organization of Jehovah’s servants. Attention was focused on the Governing Body. On that occasion it was emphasized that theocratic principle must apply to all the agencies used by the faithful and discreet slave class. It was explained that the legal corporation did not have as members all the “consecrated” people of God. It merely represented them, acting as a legal agency on their behalf. However, inasmuch as the Society was the publishing agent used to provide Jehovah’s Witnesses with literature that contained spiritual enlightenment, the Governing Body was logically and of necessity closely associated with the officers and directors of that legal Society. Were theocratic principles being fully applied in its affairs?

    I'm sue that the words that ring loud bells are : '1944' and 'Governing Body'

    It looks like things are getting more understandable. Let's take another quote from the same book, only few lines below:

    *** jv 228-9 15 Development of the Organization Structure ***

    Brother Knorr, the Society’s president, explained: “From the provisions of the Society’s charter, it would seem that the being a part of the governing body was dependent upon the contributions to the legal Society. But according to the will of God this could not be so among his true chosen people.”

    It was a fact that Charles Taze Russell, who for the Society’s first 32 years was foremost in the governing body, was financially, physically, and mentally the greatest contributor to the Society.

    Now, there is a 'Society's charter '; a 'governing body'; and the fact that

    ' Charles Taze Russell, who for the Society’s first 32 years was foremost in the governing body'. Are we getting any near or are we getting further away ???

    Let's go forward a few pages:

    *** jv 234 15 Development of the Organization Structure ***

    In the early 1970’s, careful thought was given to further reorganization of the Governing Body. Ever since the incorporation of the Watch Tower Society in 1884, publishing of literature, supervision of the global evangelizing work, and arrangements for schools and conventions had been cared for under the direction of the office of the president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.

    Here we have a ' reorganization of the Governing Body' and a reminder that

    since 1884, all activities had been cared for ' under the direction of the office of the president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.'

    There is an urgent need to go back in time:

    *** w90 3/15 14 'The Faithful Slave' and Its Governing Body ***

    *** w90 3/15 14 'The Faithful Slave' and Its Governing Body ***

    20. (a) How did a modern-day Governing Body appear on the scene? (b) What were the members of the Governing Body doing, and under whose guidance?

    20 Supplying information on the development of the modern-day Governing Body, the December 15, 1971, issue of The Watchtower explained: “Five years later [in 1884] Zion’s Watch Tower Tract Society was incorporated and served as an ‘agency’ to minister spiritual food to thousands of sincere persons seeking to know God and to understand his Word . . . Dedicated, baptized, anointed Christians became associated with that Society at headquarters in Pennsylvania. Whether on the Board of Directors or not, they rendered themselves available for special work of the ‘faithful and discreet slave’ class. They aided in the feeding and directing of the slave class, and thus a governing body made its appearance. This was evidently under the guidance of Jehovah’s invisible active force or holy spirit. Also, under the direction of the Head of the Christian congregation, Jesus Christ.”

    *** w90 3/15 14 'The Faithful Slave' and Its Governing Body ***

    21. (a) Whom did Christ find distributing spiritual food, and how did he reward them? (b) What awaited the faithful slave and its Governing Body?

    21 In 1918, when Jesus Christ inspected those claiming to be his slaves, he found an international group of Christians publishing Bible truths for use both inside the congregation and outside in the preaching work. In 1919 it truly turned out to be as Christ had foretold: “Happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so. Truly I say to you, He will appoint him over all his belongings.” (Matthew 24:46, 47) These true Christians entered into the joy of their Master. Having shown themselves “faithful over a few things,” they were appointed by the Master to be “over many things.” (Matthew 25:21) The faithful slave and its Governing Body were in place, ready for a widened assignment. How glad we should be that this was so, for loyal Christians are richly benefiting from the devoted work of the faithful slave and its Governing Body

    Here we are beginning to receive many interesting informations:

    *** there is a modern Governing Body;

    ***there is a specific article published in 1971 ;

    ***that a Governing Body made its appearance;

    *** that , in the year 1919 'The faithful slave and its

    Governing Body were in place' ;

    ***that , this was evidently under the guidance of Jehovah’s

    invisible active force or holy spirit;

    ***that it was also, under the direction of the Head of the Christian

    congregation, Jesus Christ.”

    Again patiently but very eagerly, we go back in time to the year 1971,

    but remember we are now back in the stream of time 30 years , or

    if you prefer 3 decades, let's see what king of gems we'll find .

    ***1 st precious gem:

    *** w71 12/15 755 A Governing Body as Different from a Legal Corporation ***

    "The official magazine of Jehovah’s Christian witnesses is The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom. In the year 1944 the Watchtower magazine began to speak about the governing body of the Christian congregation. "

    ***2 nd precious gem:

    *** w71 12/15 757 A Governing Body as Different from a Legal Corporation ***


    According to the apostolic example of the first century C.E ., these dedicated, baptized Christians known today as Jehovah’s witnesses have a governing body, as specifically noted from the year 1944 onward. This governing body has through the years been associated with the publishers of the Watch Tower magazine and the Board of Directors of the legal religious corporation now known as Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania.

    ***3 rd precious gem:

    *** w71 12/15 757-8 A Governing Body as Different from a Legal Corporation ***

    In view of what was presented from the platform by speakers to the “Divine Name” District Assemblies of Jehovah’s witnesses around the earth during the summer of 1971, the question was being asked, Are the directors of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania the same as the governing body of Jehovah’s witnesses, who are an unincorporated body of dedicated, baptized Christians and who worship Jehovah as their God? Also, at the annual corporation meeting of the Watch Tower Society such as that at Buckingham, Pennsylvania, do the members of the Society automatically elect the members of the governing body of Jehovah’s witnesses by electing the members of the Society’s Board of Directors? Such questions interested those attending the meeting.

    ***4 th precious gem:

    *** w71 12/15 758 A Governing Body as Different from a Legal Corporation ***

    Hence the question arises, Can this majority of voters who are made up of such “other sheep,” by voting in the directors of the Watch Tower Society, at the same time be voting in the members of the anointed governing body of the “faithful and discreet slave” class? Scripturally, they could not do so. Not just because they are not anointed heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ, but because the governing body of the “slave” class is not appointed by any man. It is appointed by the same one who appointed the twelve apostles in the first century C.E., namely, Jesus Christ the Head of the true Christian congregation and the Lord and Master of the “faithful and discreet slave” class.—John 15:16, 19.

    ***5 th precious gem:

    *** w71 12/15 758-9 A Governing Body as Different from a Legal Corporation ***

    The governing body does not have officers such as the Society’s Board of Directors has, namely, president, vice-president, secretary-treasurer and assistant secretary-treasurer. It has merely a chairman, such as the governing body of the first century had. Apparently, the apostle Peter was the chairman of the governing body on the festival day of Pentecost of 33 C.E., and the disciple James, the half brother of Jesus Christ, was the chairman at a later date, according to the account in Acts of Apostles. From this, and from what historical evidence there is available, the chairmanship of the governing body rotated, just the same as the chairmanship of the presbytery or “body of elders” of each Christian congregation rotated among the coequal elders.—1 Tim. 4:14.

    ***6 th precious gem:

    *** w71 12/15 759-60 A Governing Body as Different from a Legal Corporation ***

    How is it, then, that members of the governing body come to be directors of the Pennsylvania corporation? This is according to the will of the voting members of the Watch Tower Society. They choose to be guided by God’s inspired Word. They look to Jehovah God through Jesus Christ to direct them in this matter of voting for the Society’s directors. From the Society’s present-day Charter (as amended in 1944) the Society as a legal corporation is merely an “administrative agency” of Jehovah’s witnesses. Hence, also, of the governing body of Jehovah’s witnesses. So the Society’s voting members see that this governing body could most directly use that “administrative agency” as an instrument in behalf of the work of the “faithful and discreet slave” class by having members of the governing body on the Board of Directors of the Society. They recognize that the Society is not the administrative body, but is merely an agency for administering matters.

    ***7 th precious gem:

    *** w71 12/15 760 A Governing Body as Different from a Legal Corporation *** HOW THE GOVERNING BODY CAME TO EXIST

    How did this governing body make its appearance in recent times? Evidently under the direction of Jehovah God and his Son Jesus Christ. According to the facts available, the governing body became associated with the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania . C. T. Russell was patently of that governing body back there in the last quarter of the nineteenth century. Being fully dedicated to God through Christ, he set himself to apply his time, energy, abilities, wealth and influence to defending God’s inspired Word and spreading its message.

    Please notice:

    a) "How did this governing body make its appearance in recent times? Evidently under the direction of Jehovah God and his Son Jesus Christ."

    b) "C. T. Russell was patently of that governing body back there in the last quarter of the nineteenth century." !!!

    ***8 th precious gem:

    *** w71 12/15 761 A Governing Body as Different from a Legal Corporation ***

    Dedicated, baptized, anointed Christians became associated with that Society at headquarters in Pennsylvania. Whether on the Board of Directors or not, they rendered themselves available for special work of the “faithful and discreet slave” class.

    They aided in the feeding and directing of the slave class, and thus a governing body made its appearance. This was evidently under the guidance of Jehovah’s invisible active force or holy spirit. Also, under the direction of the Head of the Christian congregation, Jesus Christ the Son of God.

    True, the members of that governing body were not directly appointed by the Lord Jesus Christ.

    For that matter, not all the members of the governing body associated with the Jerusalem congregation in the first century were thus directly appointed. How, then, were those “elders” of the Jerusalem congregation who were not numbered among the twelve apostles made members of the governing body? Evidently by appointment of the original twelve apostles, acting under the guidance of Jehovah’s holy spirit.

    Please notice:

    a) " Dedicated, baptized, anointed Christians became associated with that Society at headquarters in Pennsylvania." It is very clear that this is referring to :

    "…the last quarter of the nineteenth century."!

    b) "… thus a governing body made its appearance."

    c) " This was evidently under the guidance of Jehovah’s invisible active force or holy spirit."

    d) "Also, under the direction of the Head of the

    Christian congregation, Jesus Christ the Son of God."


    e) " True, the members of that governing body

    were not directly appointed by the Lord

    Jesus Christ. "

    Oh, my dear what have said??? Excuse me can you repeat??

    Well, 30 years after the above statement …..e) became:

    "The Watchtower " April 15 th , 2001 page 29:

    *How does the Governing Body differ froml a legal corporation?

    While directors of a legal corporation are voted into office by its members ,

    the Governing Body is not appointed by any man but

    is appointed by Jesus Christ."

    Btw, notice please that now , the 'governing body', has became also

    "Governing Body' !!!

    Just the last one:

    **9 th precious gem:

    *** w71 12/15 761 A Governing Body as Different from a Legal Corporation ***

    This is illustrated by the action of those twelve apostles when appointing Stephen and Philip and five other men to take care of certain business of the Jerusalem congregation. (Acts 6:1-8) Also, the apostle Paul pointed out in his remarks to the elders of the Ephesus congregation that the overseers of God’s flock of spiritual sheep were appointed by God’s holy spirit. (Acts 20:28) Thus, too, even though there were no apostles of Christ on hand in the nineteenth century, God’s holy spirit must have been operative toward the formation of the governing body for his anointed remnant of the “faithful and discreet slave” class. The facts speak for themselves . There came on the scene a body of anointed Christians who accepted and undertook the responsibilities of governing the affairs of Jehovah’s dedicated, baptized, anointed people who were following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ and endeavoring to fulfill the work stated in Jesus’ prophecy at Matthew 24:45-47. Facts speak louder than words. The governing body is there. Thankfully Jehovah’s Christian witnesses know and assert that this is no one-man religious organization, but that it has a governing body of spirit-anointed Christians."

    Well, for now this is the end of " a long and dusty road…"!

    I do hope that you've enjoyed this walk .

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

    " Nescit vox missa reverti" ( Horatius, ars poetica, 390)

    ****A word, once spoken, cannot be recalled back .

  • wannaexit

    MacHislopp, I read your post with great interest. Thank you for all that work.

    Its research like yours that reinforces in my mind that I am doing the right thing in drawing away from this organization that has filled my life with lies.

    Thanks again! this is a keeper.


  • MacHislopp

    Hello Wannaexit,

    thanks for your appreciative comment. I'm glad that the 'effort'

    like this, can be useful...to uncover a lot of lies.

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • xjw_b12

    jc or should I say JC That was a " Gem " of a post

    Thanks for all your hard work on this post. Very nicely laid out, highlighted, and emphasized.

    Do you think the gb or GB actually know who, or what, or how they got to be where they are, if the writing dept, can't seem to figure it out !

    " Millions Now Living Will Never Die Know "

  • MacHislopp

    Hello xjw_b12,

    thanks for your kinds words of appreciation.

    I'm glad you did find useful.

    Greetings, James Charles MacHislopp

  • xjw_b12

    JC My wife always likes to read your posts as well....but she LOVES dolphins !

    Take care

  • Maverick

    As with all attempts at justifying current positions, the Society mix disjointed and inconsistant timelines with Gods invisible direction. It is like claiming God is happy with us because the Sun is shining and God is blessing us because it is raining! The Society use Jesus and Jehovah as hold cards to legitimize anything that has no basis in reality. They operate like a business that does not want anyone to be able to see the whole corporate structure. What you don't know can't hurt them. And they throw down terms like God's Organization and Truth as obstacles to confuse the lack of those very things! The really sad thing is these goobers believe their own fiction and insist everyone else does as well. Didn't L. Ron Hubbard do the same thing? Maverick

  • blackout

    So if I've got this right, the governing body 'appeared' because certain ones made themselves 'available'. Is that what they just said?

    Blackout of the dazed and confused class.

  • MacHislopp

    Hello everyone,

    thanks to Maverick and Blackout for the interesting comments.

    I do believe Steve Hassan accurate things about 'cult's behaviour'

    and many things fit the WTBS Inc. 100%!!

    xjw_b12: I'm glad that your wife...like dolphins!

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • Utopian_Raindrops


    I wanted to say I really enjoy your threads and this one is of no exception.

    We (my daughter and I) would like to use some of your information on our site if you wouldn’t mind.

    I love how you end your posts with a quote from some Latin writing. My mother took Latin in school and has read the works you quote from so she tells me about them!

    This one Nescit vox missa reverti" ( Horatius, ars poetica, 390) I find very appropriate when it comes to the WTBS and even it’s founder….

    *** The Watchtower of April 15, 1900 p. 122 ***
    [Note: not available on 1993/1995/1999 CD-ROM]

    There are probably as many as a hundred colored brethren on the Watch Tower lists, some of them very clear in the truth, and very earnest in its service, financially and otherwise. We have received letters from several of these, who had intended engaging in the volunteer work, expressing surprise that in the call for volunteers in the March 1st issue we restricted the inquiry to white Protestant churches. They rightly realized that we have not the slightest of race prejudice , and that we love the colored brethren with just the same warmth of heart that we love the white, and they queried therefore why such a distinction should be made in the call. The reason is that so far as we are able to judge, colored people have less education than whites - many of them quite insufficient to permit them to profit by such reading as we have to give forth. Our conclusion therefore is based upon the supposition that reading matter distributed to a colored congregation would more than half of it be utterly wasted , and a very small percentage indeed likely to yield good results.

    *** Watchtower April 1, 1914 p.105-106 ***
    [Note: not available on 1993/1995/1999 CD-ROM]

    Recognizing that it meant either the success or the failure of the enterprise of the [Photo] Drama as respects the whites, we have been compelled to assign the colored friends to the gallery , which, however, is just as good for seeing and hearing as any other part of The Temple. Some were offended at this arrangement.

    We have received numerous letters from the colored friends, some claiming that it is not right to make a difference, others indignantly and bitterly denouncing us as enemies of the colored people. Some, confident that Brother Russell had never sanctioned such a discrimination, told that they believe it would be duty to stand up for equal rights and always to help the oppressed, etc. We were obliged to explain the facts, assuring all of our loving interest in the colored people, and of our desire to do them good, and not injury . We again suggested that if a suitable place could be found in which the Drama could be presented for the benefit of the colored people alone, we would be glad to make such arrangements , or to cooperate with any others in doing so.


    If nature favors the colored brethren and sisters in the exercise of humility it is that much to their advantage, if they are rightly exercised by it . A little while, and our humility will work out for our good. A little while, and those who have been faithful to their Covenant of Sacrifice will be granted new bodies, spiritual, beyond the veil, where color and sex distinctions will be no more. A little while, and the Millennial kingdom will be inaugurated, which will bring restitution to all mankind - restitution to the perfection of mind and body, feature and color, to the grand original standard, which God declared "very good," and which was lost for a time through sin, but which is soon to be restored by the powerful kingdom of Messiah.


    With the mouth the heart doest speak…..

    Sometimes I cannot believe I belonged to That Religion!

    Thankz again for always starting such good threads.

    Ciao 4 now,


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