I Think There Should Be Laws Against Political Discrimination

by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon
    Example: I want to go with my family to a restaurant and I am denied service because I work and support Trump who happens to be a politician.

    You are making the classic mistake of seeing something in front of your face and only being able to think of that. When drafting laws it needs to be about more than the 'obvious' cases in the news right now. What if someone is a member of some extreme right wing or extreme socialist group and it's your restaurant - should you be forced to serve them? Maybe it's a group of Antifa thugs hanging out will their next protest. What is political opinion based on? Things they say ... things they wear ... how they have their hair? What if they are Islamists ... oh, what's that? You don't think that's a political movement? Well ... go define exactly what you mean by "political opinion".

  • minimus

    I would not spend my money on someone who is discriminatory. But I might not know that I was going to be kicked out of a restaurant or a car, No business should have the right to do that.

  • minimus

    If black panthers, Nazi sympathizers or Antifa lovers came into my restaurant, I wouldn’t kick them out unless they were trying to push their views on others. They still should have a right to eat in a public place.

  • minimus

    People are entitled to political opinions. They can hate President Trump or love him and it is their right. Just because someone has a political opinion about him it doesn’t give someone else the right to not allow them service.

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    I agree with you mimimus but I ultimately agree with the others. While it isn't 'fair' in a sense to have sexual orientation, etc. covered by discrimination laws and not political views, that's also playing their own game and going down the wrong path, as government overreach is a Hallmark of liberals. If they want to discriminate against you, you have the right to go elsewhere. I know of a business that discriminated against Republicans publicly, and in months they were out of business.

  • Apostate Anonymous
    Apostate Anonymous

    Man, if you really dislike people being denied service for political reasons, you are gonna be pissed when you hear how black folks were treated under Jim Crow just for existing LOL

  • minimus

    Political discrimination is morally wrong. Just because conservatives don’t act like liberals, it doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have rights. I’m sick and tired of seeing conservatives mum on basic tights they should be able to exercise!

  • Simon
    we have had to make certain requirements because history shows people do not always do the right thing

    But they nearly always do they profitable thing. The system doesn't work when the government gets involved.

    Segregation was an example of the government acting to prevent the normal pattern emerging which would be economically advantageous to those who want to maximize their customer base.

  • Simon
    If black panthers, Nazi sympathizers or Antifa lovers came into my restaurant, I wouldn’t kick them out unless they were trying to push their views on others.

    How do you know who they are? Because of their dress, language and behaviour: all things that could be considered trying to promote their views.

  • Wild_Thing

    The difference is that the other examples of discrimination that are against the law is about who you are, and not what you think. You cannot change your race, sexual orientation (presumably), or age. You can change your political ideas ... they're just thoughts.

    Don't get me wrong, I agree with you that no one should discriminate against you for your political ideas, but what you call discriminate, other people may call taking a stand against something they strongly believe in. It really is such a fine line, I don't see how they could make a law about people's political views.

    If I had a restaurant and you came in wearing your Trump hat, even though I detest him, I would have no problem serving you. I understand that other businesses would not, so I would gladly take the business from them and spread the word. Again, vote with your dollars, advertise with your mouth ... no law needed.

    However, if you are otherwise being a jerk about spouting your ideas in my restaurant or harassing customers, I would probably ask you to leave. If you are a person that is directly involved in doing something that I find morally reprehensible (like the Sec. of Homeland Security separating families at the border and putting them in kiddie cages), I would definitely tell you to go eat somewhere else. You may call that a political issue, but I would call it a moral issue. I feel like that would be my right as a business owner. It would probably lose me customers to take a stand in that a manner, but I would have to decide what is more important to me ... using my business to take a stand on an issue, or serving you anyway.

    And if you don't think businesses should take a stand on moral issues, go talk to Hobby Lobby. They took their moral issue all the way to the Supreme Court and won.

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