All comments appreciated as they offer a different or slightly different perspective.
I think faced with major lawsuits the resultant downsizing and dropping profitless ventures into the printing business were forced upon those delusional CEOs and so cheap property in the woods seemed like Jehovah's direction.
Let's face it most of these Governing Body have lost a great deal of neuroplasticity and so can only view any corporation situation the way they were programed to 30 years ago with only a very slight deviation,, and their unused neurons have caused brain shrinkage and they are in a brain draining thought loop chasing corporation demons and demon inspired bull shit from the legal worldly satanic governments and so they will respond accordingly.
These guys are doomed for one failure after another because their brain processes are filled with viruses,,, and they are chasing phantoms of the imagination that have no real context with reality. Virus, meme, whatever,,, wasted processing power,,, brain shrinkage,,,, what ever you want to call it. They will steer Jehovah cheap ass chariot off a cliff I tell ya.