Dont worry be happy ; ) run !!
and dont look back !!
( wait !! he is going to say something !! )
Me . i doing ok . i dont run . I go biking nearly every days and i am planning a big trip on my bike .
Yes my life is wonderfull !! ( that why i want to share it to the World !! ; ) )
After one hour biking my view of life become clearer and shaper .
After two i am ok . I am just me .
Its my drug i think .( but a bottle of wine is never far from me ... too ...)
About jw stuff i dont care much now...life is passing by ...and things will not change .
Every human need some drug to live ( i know it very well...) religion is a very powerfull one.
I left jw stuff 18 years ago . i was suicidal . That s save my life ..!
Strange isn't ?
"The end is around the corner"
I think its true .
We are just lost monkeys in the univers ,too afraid to die ....trying to find imaginary friend in the sky ; )
Btw thanks i can write anything i want here !!
As you can see