While I was at work I got a phone call from an elder I haven't seen in decades! He started asking me questions about my family, my ex, and told me that he heard I "was no longer in the Truth". I got a little defensive and he quickly picked up on it and assured me his call had nothing to do with checking up on me regarding the religion. He just wanted to say hello the man is over 70 years old now and always was a very nice person. So it turned out that I talk to him for close to a half hour and it's interesting from a personal point of view that I did not have butterflies in my stomach like I would've a few years back.
Last Week I Got A Call From An Elder I Haven't Seen In 20 Years...😳
by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends
Interesting that some JW called you just for that. I mean that in a good way. Were you close as JWs? Was there anything that made him remember you? It's still odd that after decades out of the blue he just calls. Did you inquire about that?
He said he missed me and that I always made him laugh and he had good times with me along with his wife and mine. I'm pretty sure his children are out of the organization. When I thought he was going to a place I didn't want him to go I said to him I'm not going to answer any of your questions because I've been on the other side before and I know what to expect and that's when he laughed and promised me assured me that was not his intention whatsoever-
just fine
After being out nearly 20 years, a sister from my childhood hall contacted my parents and asked for my address. I denied permission to give out my contact information. I have closed the book on the JW part of my life, and won't reopen it. Anyone still in the religion has nothing to offer me, not many can do what that elder did, and just act normal.
Any indications as to what he's thinking about JWism? If he's 70, then he was there during the old, deeper days - the Franz era with its bigger, "deeper" prophecy books. He was there for the excitement. He was there when the false predictions were made (1975, 1994, 2000). He was there when JWs were bold and really tried to preach and get into deeper discussions. He's seen the change to the current situation in which JWs don't really preach and they try to avoid deeper discussions.
If he didn't give you any indications, then call him ask him what he thinks about the new JWdom vs the old. He's one of the old-timers still remaining who will soon be gone. When those of his group and a little younger are gone, JWdom won't be burdened by having around any who remember times it wants to forget. Those of his group are valuable. They need to be interviewed, and such interviews need to be preserved.
When I thought he was going to a place I didn't want him to go I said to him I'm not going to answer any of your questions because I've been on the other side before and I know what to expect and that's when he laughed and promised me assured me that was not his intention whatsoever-
Now I wonder if he himself was reaching out. Maybe he's the one who's curious about the other side. If he's been in the WT organization for that long, chances are he's seeing and feeling the changes that are not too kind for old timers who have sacrificed so much of their lives. Maybe he's feeling too lonely in his congregation. I know how sometimes "uncool" JWs get as shunned even thought they are JWs in good standing.
I'd be thrilled if there will be more conversations. I hope you left the door open for him.
He actually called me back later that day to tell me about a restaurant that he thought I would like which is Middle Eastern. I think Tim sincerely for being so kind and thoughtful
Next time you talk with him, please ask him what he thinks about the new JWdom - how it compares to what it used to be. Tell him you're just curious - that it seems so different now. If you do, please let us know what he says.
So he had your phone number for 20 years before he used it again?
Maybe he was clearing out his old numbers....his first question was do you know who this is and I recognize the voice but since I haven't talk to him in so many years I didn't quite get it but I actually like the man very much