Since about 2015, Hollywood has congratulated itself and circle-jerked over the 'strong women' characters they've written. I'd say this roughly began with Rey in The Force Awakens (2015). What Hollywood forgets is that strong characters have to have a personality, otherwise audiences don't really relate to them.
Well, Hollywood should really stop patting themselves on the back as if they've done something special.
Strong female characters have been a staple for decades.
Here's one: Private Vasquez, from Aliens (1986). She isn't stunning and brave like today's feminists, and she's too busy working as a space marine to smash the patriarchy, but from pretty much the first time we see her, we can see that she is one strong woman who gives as good as she gets.
There are, of course, many more strong female characters in film but I thought Vasquez is a pretty good place to start.