I guess I consider myself kind of a secular humanist from the aspect that I feel people do not need religion to make them a better person. I believe that real truth lies within each human being to find out in time through life experiences, school of hard knocks, and just being decent from a humanistic, empathetic, and ethical view of the world and other people in it.
Here's a wikipedia link concerning humanism : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secular_humanism.
I respect others rights to pursue religion if they feel it will help them ; however I feel the teaching that all humans are sinners that need to be redeemed is totally false. We aren't " born sinners " or " born evil " in my opinion- evil is a taught and learned trait in humans by the environment they are raised in. Little children are not born with prejudices either racially, politically, religiously, or otherwise - not until they are taught these things from the people around them who then shape these children's world view.
If you don't believe me - then ask yourself ( especially those of us who were born into the Jehovah's Witness beliefs ) WHY it took some of us born-in JW's so long to exit the JW cult and religion ? It's because we were " taught " or " programmed " to believe the WT Society world view as minor children without being allowed any other information to have any other viewpoints !
The one difference I have with secular humanism is that I think there may be such a thing as the " supernatural " . Not necessarily a " God " , but perhaps invisible entities of people who have died that may come back through some electrical energy to visit us occasionally like deceased relatives, etc. to assist us or possibly watch over us. I've experienced these connections with deceased loved ones & friends attempting to contact me through electronic media, ie. cell phones, computers, voices through such things and in dreams I have. So I'm not dogmatic on this point- but I'm open to the possibility that something lives on in humans after they die- in the invisible hereafter.
But I don't believe that has any connection with " God " or " Jesus " or any need for the saving of souls due to " sinfulness " . I feel more spiritual now these last 15 years without religion than I ever did in my 40 plus years as a JW. I'm much more balanced, reasoning, ethical, and empathetic in my views now than I was as a JW and have love for all of mankind no matter what race, gender, sexual leaning , or whatever. All humans are important