My kids mother is getting a new heart valve. There upset because she is making sure no blood is to be used and her JW cronies will be with her making it hard for my kids even to visit her in the hospital. Can Jws get a pigs heart valve now and is her request by having no blood make this procedure difficult for the surgin for a successful operation?
Ex wife getting a heart operation
by greenhornet 13 Replies latest watchtower medical
Any serious operation is more risky if replacing blood loss is not an option, both during the operation and during post op care.
Heart surgeries can be done without blood... if everything goes well during the procedure. Of course, and not to be morbid, things can happen and if they do, that's when the 'no blood' thing becomes a problem.
Hope all goes well for you and your family
My uncle had the procedure done. No blood. All went well. He was in his late 70s or early 80s at the time. Docs wouldn't attempt it if they thought it wouldn't be successful. As mentioned above though, shit happens and that's when there's a problem refusing blood. Good luck. . . . Doc
Lee Elder
To use an analogy, its like choosing to walk a tight rope with no safety net. The single most important thing that can happen is for her doctor to have a private conversation with her to check her understanding of the WT blood policy, and her level of commitment to it. Simply asking questions about why the policy permits so many types of blood transfusions, yet bans others, has been enough to open many minds to what is clearly an "organizational" policy. Her children, and doctor can be pointed to the references and tools at
Lee elder...... She will never resort to any web site thats is not from the WT. She will only listen to here elders and kingdom hall friends. She has made power of attorney to these elders in the hospital paper work. It make me sick how she makes sure her non JW children can not make life saving choices for her.
LoisLane looking for Superman
GreenHornet what I find ridiculously odd about this situation is that your JDub wife is praying for "God's" help in this serious situation. She is most likely praying for god to help this worldly surgeon so nothing goes wrong. Before the surgery, after the surgery, in her mind, all the doctors, all the hospital personnel will be bird food at WT's Big "A"... but just let god's holy spirit work on the hospital staff... so everything goes well for her.
Your exwife most likely is in well educated and experienced people's hands. I think one factor for JDubs going in for an operation is that they calmly (I hate to say, calmly but I do) relax because they truly feel if something bad happens, they will wake up in that promised panda petting paradise.
Every operation has satistics. Doctors want a successful operating outcome just as much as the patient does.
Reassure your children that their mom is not the first one at this rodeo and most likely, will be 99% fine.
When my ex had major heart bypass surgery, he was up and about in no time. A fellow elder, a nice man, at a different hospital, same operation, bled out in the recovery room and died.
Will you be there to support your children through this? Life with divided families can be difficult. I know.
I will always support my kids. How ever if there is any JWs in the hospital room the kids will leave.
I presume your kids are also her kids ? Are they adults or children ? if adults cant they say who is in the room while they are their ? and exclude JW`s while they are visiting their mother ?
surely they have rights they can exercise as regards their mother.
just saying.
The kids are in there mid thirtys. Because of the long time that they were JWs (22 years) They cant stand to have contact with them.