How Will Armageddon Begin?

by Cold Steel 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    And how long will it last?

    And who will come after that, Yahweh, as the Old Testament says or Jesus, as the New Testament says? The scriptures say he'll come to the Mount of Olives, but surely that's a spiritual Mount of Olives. Does it mean Bethel?

    Finally, can it come any time or are there things that have to happen first?

    Will there be any advance warning from the GB?

  • Ucantnome

    with a bang!

  • EndofMysteries

    The events speaks about literal Israel. It's not at all what the WT teaches. Read Ez chapter 38 and 39, and Zechariah entire chapter 14 for the real amageddon. Absolutely nothing like the WT teaches and no living forever, etc, nor is everybody wiped out either.


    How Will Armageddon Begin?


  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel
    Read Ez chapter 38 and 39, and Zechariah entire chapter 14 for the real amageddon. Absolutely nothing like the WT teaches and no living forever, etc, nor is everybody wiped out either.

    Well, at least you know your stuff. I've pointed out the same scriptures to them and they don't buy a word of it! Even if it's right there in the Bible. Everything has a spiritual interpretation with them and nothing is as it seems. Everything revolves around them.

    That said, a great deal of what they are circulates their belief structure regarding Armageddon. Not what it is biblically, but what is has become culturally.

  • Stealth
    can it come any time or are there things that have to happen first?
    Will there be any advance warning from the GB?

    There must be a King of the North. If the big A is coming soon who is the King of the North?

    Decades ago the GB identified who the King of the North was, with the aid of holy spirit of course.

    Why doesn't today's GB name the King Of The North?

    To answer the OP with reality, my best guess is sooner or later a very large meteor will impact the earth creating the next extinction event.

  • LevelThePlayingField

    Image result for governing body of jehovah's witnesses

    The governing body will let us know exactly 1 week ahead of time. But by then it will be too late, unless you think you can turn around in that week's time...

    It's a son-of-a-gun to be on the outside. But it's better than being on the inside with our heads in the sand.

    Armageddon will not arrive in your lifetime...

  • Steel

    Armageddon is generally understood in Evangelical circles that Russia with an alliance of Muslim countries would attack the modern day of Israel and Jesus returns and ends it. Ironically this was taught long before the Syrian civil war and Russian involvement in the Middle East.

    God, this kind of thing must piss off the uppers at Brooklynn. Watching events unfold that doesn’t involve them.

    Mind you, I don’t really take that kind of stuff to serious. There is so many ways to twist the scriptures.

  • eyeuse2badub

    The gb are going to get together and let jehober know when and how, soooooooooooon!

    just saying!

  • mrquik

    According to WT; the following events precede Armageddon:

    1. Rise of UN to a world power. ( Not looking like its going to happen tomorrow.)

    2. King of the North & South struggle. ( No clue who they are.)

    3. Nations of the world turn on religion. ( Again; not happening tomorrow.)

    4. Keep in mind that during this last generation, Satan & his demons are wreaking havoc. ( Nothing new here except the usual man's inhumanity to man. Come on; you really think this is the best Satan can do? If I were a powerful demon realizing my destruction was imminent & being cast to earth I'd be really pissed.)

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