2 go bags
by johnamos 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Will any of you post here if you hear anything in this coming Thursday (1-14-16) meeting in regards to 2-go-bags being pushed again… -
average joe
why do you think there will be 2 go bags again? -
JW congregations were totally unprepared during Hurricane Katrina. None of the elders were there to help...haha. Many people were misplaced and the WTS and elders had no idea where they went.
It wouldn't be bad for them to have a go bag...as long as they don't advertise it as needed for when Armageddon hits and they have them buy them from a jw.
2-go bag just needs lots of guns and bullets... everything else you will need will come from that lol
2-go bag just needs lots of guns and bullets. . .
Actually I got a "talking" to from a Super JDub about the fact that my emergency supplies kit had two boxes of ammunition for my legally permitted, easy to carry semi-auto. I was told THAT wasn't trusting in Jah for protection. I asked why the would assume it was for protection? In my part of the US it is very sparsely populated. If one were to have to live of the land I will be eating wild game keeping my strength up, while the rest of the JDub's are eating grass and getting weaker.
The idea that a "go-bag' will protect you at Armageddon is just plain goofy!
And of course on the likely remote off chance some knuckle-head decides to use a natural disaster as an excuse to try to do bodily harm to me or my loved ones, well. . .
I personally think 2 go bags are a waste of money. Where are you going to go? I live in OH and there is no where for me to go. I just don't see a benefit to having them. Has anyone any where ever seen a benefit ever? -
And of course on the likely remote off chance some knuckle-head decides to use a natural disaster as an excuse to try to do bodily harm to me or my loved ones, well. .
Any one who has been in an Urban area after a major disaster may change their thoughts on firearms slightly. When the authorities and guidelines of society are taken away, its a very very different world.
2 go bags...isn't that what you ask for when you can't finish your 40oz steak? -
Go bags are a good idea. We should all have some emergency supplies in our homes and cars. Even if it is just because someone next to us (not our family) has a blood sugar issue, an injury, heatstroke. . . but I have been trapped in cold weather on the side of a road for hours on a mountain pass before due to an accident. Fortunately, I always stock up for road trips with good snack food and extra blankets for naps. It is good to have things to share in times of minor need.
It is true that in a major need we'd need to be well stocked and armed like mormons or preppers to have any chance.