The return of the wife of Lot...
I can still hear her ugly cry in a 1970's drama that has hurt me when I was a little boy.
Now I f*ck*ng hate those drama's for the pure emotional abuse they are.
by Edison Trent 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The return of the wife of Lot...
I can still hear her ugly cry in a 1970's drama that has hurt me when I was a little boy.
Now I f*ck*ng hate those drama's for the pure emotional abuse they are.
Thousands of years down track, what a staggering legacy Lot's wife provides! Had this hapless woman not looked back, she'd have been an obedient, faceless footnote in history, like untold numbers of wives before and after.
But this independent woman ignores warnings and dares to look back and is immediately punished, immortalized in the form of a block of salt.
Yes, we absolutely need the stories from ancient patriarchal writings to be forewarned, don't we? So we get yet another drama featuring this sad case of wifely disobedience. Little wonder cart-sitting JWs don't turn around to look when we call out, "Hi there!"
Remember the Wife of Lot alternative title and more interesting story : Pass The Salt - The story of how the Lot's Wife Table Salt Company began. Written by Founder Abe Lot and brought to you by the Water Tower Tyre and Tractor Society.
Spoiler alert for actual video Jehovah the God of love and justice gets real pissed and kills Lot's wife in one of his famous hissy fits.
The main theme of the last couple of annual assemblies is, “Please, please don’t leave the org!” Times are hard in Watchtower Land. The GB this year is resorting to scare tactics to stop the dim members from escaping the compound.
The wonderful internet and improved education everywhere else is overtaking the mental complacency found among Jehovah’s Witnesses who are pressured into avoiding worldly learning.
Taking the Bible literally, no longer sits well with most people and yet JWs are taught to believe without question or reasoning-- which means that they are being taught to be gullible and to trust only the words of the governing body.
I think the Bible account of Lot and Co is in the "ripping yarns" category. It is also so awful that by highlighting fire and brimstone from the heavens, immoral dealings and magic happenings as an assembly (video) drama, it will only awaken more doubters and firm up the resolve of those thousands who are already on the cusp to leave the organisation.
Get out while you still have some functioning brain left!
Ah,the upbulding story of Lot offering his daughters for rape, and then having sex with them (while being "drunk", but apparently not so drunk as to not be able to do the job), and producing incestuous offspring. What an excellent example the faithful Lot is for all of Jehovah's servants today!
In contrast with Lot's wife, who committed the terrible, atrocious sin of LOOKING BACK as her hometown was being consumed by flames. Let us not EVER commit such a terrible act!
Very important moral lessons, indeed.
But this independent woman ignores warnings and dares to look back and is immediately punished, immortalized in the form of a block of salt.
The 2000 BC version of "She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless she persisted."
The return of the wife of Lot...
I can still hear her ugly cry in a 1970's drama that has hurt me when I was a little boy.
Now I f*ck*ng hate those drama's for the pure emotional abuse they are.
I remember being about 3 or 4 years old and i liked listening to the dramas on cassette tape with headphones on. Imagine the mindf*ck that drama gave me. The scene where she screams and her daughters scream seeing her transform will never leave me. I was wasnt allowed to play with toy soldiers, toy guns or watch Star Wars (because it had "wars" in the title) but i was allowed to listen to this?
This one?
Victorious Faith District Convention 1978
Drama: “Do Not Look Behind You and Do Not Stand Still”
from the 25 minute mark...
New bible story book huh? I always thought they could do with an update. Or put those comic books into one big book. Maybe that's what they're doing.
Anywhere where we can download it?
The book is not a collection of comic book stories, it features completely new artwork. A user on JWtalk who knows how to dig into's metadata on its CMS posted some of the pictures, but they were subsequently removed by the moderators out of respect for the ones preparing the spiritual food.
The book is not yet downloadable on, but will be next week, shortly before the start of the first convention on Friday. As of now, the book's download link shows 60 languages, but files attached.
When the files will be downloadable, you can access them via this link: If you prefer other format than PDF, replace the fileformat parameter to EPUB, JWPUB or MP3.
By the way, there's a brand new BOE letter out there.
All the convention releases this year are to be "released" only in electronic form - no hardcopies at all. If you want a hardcopy you have to order it from the local congregation, after the convention.
Oh forgot to mention - this info is for elders only, so whatever you do, don't tell anyone.
Shhh! Be vewy, vewy, quiet!