E-MAIL Shepherding during Covid stay at home

by wannabefree 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LongHairGal


    Yes. These Users are only concerned if people who are a material asset leave. Then they will make an effort to find them.

    As you have mentioned: people who do services for Free for certain JWs (fixing cars, doing taxes, cutting hair, etc.). Also, people who entertain and open up their homes, serve meals are an asset they hate to lose. Let’s not forget big contributors.

    Anybody else can get lost. If you’re a woman they don’t care since there are too many. If you didn’t do favors for these Users, they are especially not interested.

  • tiki

    I wonder if the "shepherds" have to track their time for their "encouraging" electronic visits?

    Whatever I am so glad they never bugged me.....only a couple visits way back when and I was conveniently not at home.

  • wannabefree

    I don't know if she's getting personal one on one email. I just happened to notice this one as the page was left open. It was a cc to a bunch of addresses.

    As far as counting time, probably done the same way an elder explained to me how he counted his letter writing time years ago. Keep track of the time put into writing one letter, duplicate it and send it out. One letter written, one half hour, 50 copies x .5 hours = 25 hours .... He was legally blind, so he would print the letters in a large font and stamp "free material for the blind" to avoid paying postage.

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