"And Your Little Dog Too...." WTS not content with taking kids' ice cream money, now they want them to give up their puppy dogs too.

by sir82 63 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • goingthruthemotions

    i do believe that if the BORG said that dogs are a waste of time and you should consider getting rid of them. if anything would open eyes...it would be that. she loves our three dogs with all her heart.

    she will get rid of me before she parts with the dogs.

    but, in all reality.....this would open her eyes to it being a cult.



    I love all your captions but this may be one of the best!

  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri
    The dog does look worried. However he may have been thinking, " Please leave me at the SPCA and don't take me to some rat hole, god forsaken country."

    The GB are so far removed from normal human emotions that they don't even love animals. Seriously, they are sociopaths, maybe even psychopathic, like their God.

    Many times they have referred to pets as "idols", even alluding to pets as "false gods." These guys are sick. They want you to worship THEM and adore THEM. They want you to spend ALL your money on THEM!

    They lie about pedos to the authorities! They lie about blood transfusions! They lie about their own history! They are liars!! They aren't worthy of my pets!!


  • Dunedain

    You all are missing the point. Its not that they are losing a dog. The loving GB is showing how the family will GAIN pet roaches, poisonous snakes, bot flies in their skin, all manner of stomach worms, such as tape and roundworm. Dad, and son, will gain little pet fishes that will swim up the urethras in their penises. Dont forget lice for EVERY family member, and the mosquitoes, oh the mosquitoes!

    The mosquitoes will bring the joys of malaria, and yellow fever. Please, also, let us not forget that the family will gain all forms of bacterias too. From flesh eating, to intestinal bacteria, they will keep you busier than any old pet dog would.

    Then brothers and sisters, if you are just blessed enough by Jehovah, on a preaching run with the family, deep into the jungle where few have gone, you may receive the best pet of all. Thats right, you could just gain a predatory jungle cat, both exotic, and terrifying. And, if you are lucky enough, it may just eat one of your children.

    Do you see how Jehovah blesses those who sacrifice for him. No brothers, you are not losing a dog, you are gainin g SOOO MUCH MORE.

  • done4good

    WT does not place anything in their photos, (worthy of notice), without a reason. The dog being shown in the first picture, and absent in the latter ones tells the story indeed, as does the sad look of anticipated loss in the child's body language.

    Manipulative, cold, uncaring, bastards.

    d4g (It took me a day to cool off and comment on this one...)


    Despite the WTBTS's history of stealing photos and photo-shopping, their propaganda always serves a purpose. If they include something, or exclude something, it's for a reason.........brainwashing. They are good at what they do. If they weren't, they would have went out of business already.


  • WTWizard

    It goes from bad to worse. Bad enough to take away the ice cream. Now, they are taking it to a level where they don't care about taking away an animal--at least one does not become attached to an ice cream cone. This basically makes people think about going along with the ban on ice cream cones--I hope this causes people in the congregation to say enough on Worldwide Damnation Fund donations. And start going to the ice cream shop with funds pledged for the Worldwide Damnation Fund.

    And, with the remaining funds, spend it all on silver and keep the silver.

  • Finkelstein

    Barney says ........ " Hey Watchtower Corporation..... kiss my hairy ass "

  • undercover

    I remember way back when... many moons ago... when a CO came thru, and in one of his talks on giving your all to god, er, the bOrg, he went off on pets. They're needy, costly, and can very well get in your way to surviving Armageddon. If you put too much emphasis on your pet(s), consider them one of the family, care too much, then when time comes to hightail it, are you going to look back at your sad eyed puppy and be turned into a pillar of salt? I paraphrase of course, but that was the gist of his attitude and cautionary tale.

    But he really went too far when he declared that your pet does not have affection for you. They are incapable of appreciating what you as their owner/caregiver do for them. They cannot return love or affection. He blew it right then and there. There was an almost mutiny in the congregation after that meeting. Every pet owner was upset. How dare he say that. Their pets were part of the family, and they do show affection.

    That was such a surreal moment that it has stayed with me all these years, and Sir's post kinda brought back those memories of that day/week. And it shows just how manipulative the WT leadership attempts to be... even to the point of denying people their pets. The money to feed and care for that mutt could've gone to them. The time playing with them, or watching your kids play with kittens and puppies would be so much better spent knocking on doors of empty houses. They really are a sorry lot of human beings.

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