It’s funny how a simple question like this is something that the dubs never even consider. My dad asked this question to a couple of witnesses and they wondered for a minute and said;
“I never thought about it, I’ll have to ask the elders”
The bible says that Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden and two cherubs guarded the entrance to prevent them from getting back into the garden,
Jehovah told the couple that any effort to plant anything would result in thorns because the ground was cursed.
Adam and Even had just a few days before they would start getting weak and sick as a result of not eating or drinking water
If the couple was to survive, they had to make some sort of
farming tools and needed seed to start planting. But how could they do this if
nothing existed outside the garden. And if there did exist something like
trees, the couple had no tools to cut the trees down and form tools for
And even if they were able to design, cut, and make some type of plow, or shovel, they would have to do it quickly before starvation started setting in and they got to weak.
And the planting and harvesting cycle can take up months.
And even if all these obstacles were overcome, it would still be in vain because the ground was cursed.
In about 3 days both would start getting very sick. In a week both would have to lay in bed as a result of being too weak for lack of eating. In 21 days both would start dying of starvation or be dead because of starvation..
Humans on average can only survive about 21 days without food, maybe longer if there is plenty of clean water.
Watchtower illustrations in their magazines make it seem
like Eve had a sewing machine to make a tarp to use as a makeshift roof. Also
look at the containers of clay, the basket hanging on one of the poles, and the
nice leopard clothing for her daughter, - How was Eve able to do that? And how did Adam carry the water to
irrigate the crops immediately after he was kicked out of the Garden?
The story doesn’t make sense when you consider the reality
of life.There was never an Adam and Eve that was kicked out of a beautiful Garden into a barren wilderness without any food, water, tools and seeds, and able to survive at least till the first harvest.