It’s absolutely unfathomable that the Borg have lasted this long. Our grandparents in the Borg after the war in the 1940/50s thought it was right around the corner. They thought 1914 was so long ago it has to be soon.
Then the 60s early 70s they had 1975 to keep things going otherwise it would have fizzled out. How on earth anyone stayed in after 75 is beyond me.
Then they had all the WTowers saying the end will come before the end of the millennium so they were looking for the year 2000.
There has to be a time when we have got too far away from 1914 that it must have been a wrong teaching.
I would say now, here we are 2024 in a few weeks.
But let’s give them 6 more years to 2030, could they still cling onto this fundamental teaching or will they have to come up with new light about it.
It has been said, if they were wrong about 1914 then EVERYTHING falls apart.
The Borg has survived so much but not this. There is no way they could survive it becoming known they were wrong about 1914.