My sister just sent me this text.

by Brainfloss 39 Replies latest jw experiences

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    I like MeanMrMustard's's short ñ sweet:

    "Awesome, I have a brochure for you too. To get your free copy, all you have to do is go to"."
  • Brainfloss
  • Acluetofindtheuser

    All the congregations received a special document entitled "Productive Use of Time" from the branch. A digital copy of this was sent to all the publishers. Under the section, "Encourage one another" there were instructions to reach out to inactive witnesses. This is what it exactly says,

    "Send an upbuilding message to an inactive relative or friend"

    It didn't say you could send an upbuilding message to a disfellowshipped relative or friend. If you want to make your sister mad you could tell her she violated the organization's rules if you are disfellowshipped Brainfloss.

    Another thing they put in that category was to "Get better acquainted with coworkers". This is kind of strange because it violates their "bad association spoils useful habits" and not to be friends of the world. Their letting some things slide.

  • ToesUp

    "Send an upbuilding message to an inactive relative or friend"

    WE should be sending THEM an "upbuilding message." They are in a cult. WE ARE FREE! POOR SUCKERS!!!! LOL

  • Finkelstein

    The person who sent that e-mail is disingenuous in making themselves sound so loving and concerned, but in reality they are indoctrinated to sell their religious beliefs especially to ones who were once in the JWS religion .

    You could reply that you've taken a different stance on religion all together willing to respect those who have beliefs. Ask if they still wanted to meet and catch up.

    Wait for a reply, if they want to meet still on a real personal level without religious chatter great.,if not the e-mail was fake and insincere .

  • Scully

    "I love you and want the best for you."

    "It made my heart rejoice to spend time with you [and your family]."

    "We all have the time now. Jehovah knows our heart."

    You're right "we all have the time now" to get to know one another and love one another unconditionally. How many people have died estranged from family because of shunning enforced by JWs? If you truly believe the time left for me and my family is coming to a close, why would you hold back your affections until we go to meetings, out in service and resume other JW activities? Can't you see how manipulative it is to do that? It's like an ex-wife refusing access to children unless child support payments are up to date, or withholding support payments unless visitations are granted. The everyone suffers in those circumstances, but mostly it's the children who miss out on the wonderful opportunity of having no-strings-attached relationships with grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins.

    We have all been granted the gift of free will, and we have not chosen to be estranged from you, that has been your decision (bolstered by Watchtower teachings), and we respect that. We have not discussed anything with you out of respect for your faith and because we have no desire to interfere with your dedication or "lure you away"; we would never do that. But I hope that while you trust that Jehovah knows our hearts, he also knows where our hearts are and why we feel as we do, without any prejudice toward friends and family.

    We would welcome you and your family with open arms, no matter the circumstances. I'm very disappointed that you feel otherwise.

  • Brainfloss

    Thank you all for the support.


    you must have been an elder because you my friend have the ability to read hearts. That letter stated precisely what I feel.

    Thank you

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    Hello Sister,

    Nice to hear from you again despite the many many Jehovah's Witness cliche's used to convey your assumptions regarding my standing with the creator of the universe. I'm not sure how any of us can know so much about what God does or doesn't want or what he's thinks of individuals but it's clear that you think that I'm a goner and you, as someone who has it made with God, are duty bound to punish me, in his name, if I don't become more like you.

    Your text, rather than being a warm message from a sister to a brother, was as if you cut and pasted lines out of the Watchtower and was a reminder of why I chose to leave. I received your message of judgement loud and clear. Even though you are convinced that I'll receiving the same punishment as people like Adolph Hitler and other evil doers who have lived throughout history, I am confident that if God does have an earthly Paradise planned for us as you say or some other Utopia, there's no reason I shouldn't be a part of it and that I'll see you there as well.

    I realize that you mean well and I also realize that even though you feel free to make assumptions about my standing with God, express your religious views with me and expect me to click on the links you've provided, I will never be allowed to express my views with you, nor would you look at any information I might provide for you .

    I'm sure on some level you believe that you really do love me however I've come to realize, that your love is conditional upon me having the same religious views as you do and you are primarily interested in saving your own hide lest God punish you for having anything to do with your evil Brother . Despite your low opinion of me, I want you to know that my door is always open to you, no matter what your religious views are.


    For 30+ years I have reasoned with my brother about the errors of the WTS policies.

    Biblical contradictions to the WTS ever changing theology. The whole 'Lying for the Truth'tm thing..aka theocratic warfare.

    His reasoning ALWAYS came back to a circular argument which totally deflected what ever issue was being discussed and brought up another point of contention.

    Dismantle that point and another is brought up without an acknowledgement of the initial 2 or three points which had been proven false.

    You will not reach them without first letting them figure it out on their own first.

    You cannot control their decisions, but you can always ask God through prayer and that is never a wasted effort IMsomewhatHO


  • menrov

    I would not start to argue as this will not make any sense with her. You can consider the following:

    Hi, I hope your idea about the future will be as you are longing for. In my case, I spend my time on my family and try to enjoy now as much as possible. I am not scared of the future. It will be as it will be. I enjoy my family life and my social life. So, who knows, may be we'll see each other in the future.

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