Happy to be a pirate!!
Crisis of Conscience: December 12, 2015 - 50 weeks later
by Jehalapeno 50 Replies latest jw friends
I think we all know another 50 weeks could pass and there will still be no change, pathetic.
The Rebel
I own a copy of crisis of concience,and I recognise it is a reputable news outlet on the " truth "about HOW the governing body worrked " But why not publish the " Finnished Mystery" by Chales Tate Russell? I think that book is all anyone need know about the organisation and " Jehoversm Witness " wonderland.
Traditional publishing is not speedy. I have some confidence that this is being dealt with honestly.
I have some confidence that this is being dealt with honestly.
But, JWdaughter, you also have confidence that Islam is the one true religion. Therefore, how can your judgment be taken seriously?
if you notice I started that comment with "I wonder" which alerts the reader that a hypothetical "thinking outloud" rhetorical question is about to follow. It was posed as a musing rather than a literal question. Not every single copy of COC could or would be "vacuumed up" by WT of course that would be impossible.🙄
Cedars would have had it publish by now... -
Rude crack.
been off the site for a while, any news? any updates? I thought as much, zilch, scandalous.
I literally wrote a textbook from scratch and had it used for 1 1/2 semesters while this has been going on...