So, my daughter got a letter from a female JW, containing a tract. I want to respond to this woman, in a kind way. She included a phone number, and email, return address is the KH. Any suggestions? It came to my daughter’s maiden name, she is married for almost 9 years.
Got ALetter!
by Biahi 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I'd simply write, 'not known at this address' and put it back in the post box...or mail box...or whatever they call them where you are.
Any suggestions?
I'm sure you know that sending tracts count as ''field service'' hours. It's the easy and lazy way of padding ''field service.'' Do not respond in any way!
I’d actually like to send her info like, etc. I also thought of emailing her a copy of Roger Kirkpatrick’s letter, outlying the bat shit crazy, but true beliefs. And, thank you for the responses. And, Punky, it said “or current resident.”
If you have the time and desire, go for it. if you think the person won't recognize you as an apostate, maybe meet or ask for as to hopefully deprogram! if you can find some talking points in the tract that you know you can disprove, or as a jump off point to something you can disprove, why not call and say you have some thoughts on the tract. nothing ventured, nothing gained.
stan livedeath
i had a letter--with sn email address included. I replied with a link to jwfacts.
stan livedeath
Also--here in the UK these letter writers have to pay for the stamps themselves...and they dont come cheap.
I have not attended any meetings in 10 years. My brother is an elder and leaves me alone. He has his son, daughter and other elders call me with information on special Zoom meetings and funeral talks. I take the information down and have listened in a couple of times.
My phone # and address is given out to different Kingdom Halls near my house. Since I have an answering machine, I screen all my calls. Many of them leave a name and the congregation they attend. Some come to my door and leave tracts. I never answer the door, nor call them back. Calling back only opens up a can of worms.
It would be interesting to send her some info. But, once she realizes that she is dealing with an "opposer" she will probably drop any future communication. Might be a good policy for anyone receiving unwanted correspondence from them.
Bi - Punky, it said “or current resident.”
Just tell them 'Current Resident' doesn't live here either.