It doesn’t have to be about big money.
What kind of job would you like to have?
by Iamallcool 24 Replies latest jw friends
a watcher
I'm retired now but I had the job I wanted: retail stock clerk. There's something about arranging merchandise for sale that always held my interest. I had a knack for it. Low pay but high job satisfaction (for me).
I would have been a teacher or a lawyer. Problem was, you had to go to college, and you know how that is. Stupid cult!
Chocolate taster.
I had my "dream" job, somehow the dream eventually lost its charm. I repaired watches and clocks as a hobby for many years but opened my own shop full time about 11 years ago. Now I'd rather dig graves again (6 years) than work on another cuckoo clock.
I wanted to be an aircraft pilot. But Gee-hober told my parents that higher education was wrong.
JW GoneBad
The best job is one where you're your own boss. The amount of money you make is up to you. You get to pick who your customers are...what hours you work. You are your own review board.
I retire in less that 3 years. Ugh! I'm getting old.
I wanted to be an actor ~(like my cousins, Ronald Allen and Patrick Troughton...just to name drop), or musician but being raised a Jobo, no chance! Having said that, I look at those people and wonder if I'd fit in with the Guardian reading, champagne socialist luvvees.
I was lucky I believe.I started my first job as a leather worker and finished my apprenticeship and after 12 years wanted to get out .Applied for another job and was accepted into a photographic laboratory position .And spent the rest of my life working in laboratories,28 years of my last working life ,working in a refinery.
That has given me and my family a comfortable retirement life.
I always held the motto "A worker is worthy of his wages " The KH`s I always attended had people working in jobs or in business for themselves.
restoring old photos and some how flying as well.