WTBTS of Britain selling another Kingdom Hall

by Nicholaus Kopernicus 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Nicholaus Kopernicus
    Nicholaus Kopernicus

    While having a sojourn in SE England yesterday (bank holiday weekend) I noticed this a few meters from the entrance to Richmond Park....

    This is the Kingdom Hall of the Richmond Park congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. I checked the website of the estate agent (Bonsors) and there is no mention of the property or the price. Following a few phone calls, I learned that this congregation is destined to utilise a Kingdom Hall in Tolworth. However, the website of JW's still has Richmond Park congregation listed at the Kingston upon Thames address - so no moving as yet...

    This kindom hall should fetch a good price as Kingston upon Thames is a costly area! I suspect that many will resent having to move to Tolworth. But what does the WTBTS of Britain care? They have God's unreserved blessing and can do what they wan't - consistent with the GBoJW's preferences mind you!

    Will your Kingdom Hall be next? Where will you have to travel to? Don't forget to budget for the extra distance! No trough in contributions acceptable!

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  • darkspilver

    Thanks Nicholaus Kopernicus - interesting.....


    SO THIS would be your BUNKER KINGDOM HALL!!!!!!

    No, really, I'm being SERIOUS! hahaha!!

    That KH is a bit of a sore sight for eyes! It also doesn't fit in with the surrounding (bigger) buildings that are three storey / two storey with big roofs.

    They asked the council for permission in 2009 to pull it all down and rebuild a replacement hall, with an oversized front flat wall, to fit in more with the surrounding area - BUT the council REFUSED them!

    Anyway - back to the bunker!

    In 2004 they asked the council for permission, in principle, to pull-down and rebuild with three storeys for minister living accommodation (1 x 1 bed flat and 1 x 2 bed flat) with a FULL BASEMENT that would contain the Kingdom Hall!!!! And the Council agreed and PERMITTED them! (they later tried to get 'full' permission but they withdrew the application - below is a mix of the stuff they submitted to show the whole development: (you can see the outline of the basement in the rear garden)


    (In the UK they use Ground Floor = 1st Floor / 1st Floor = 2nd Floor)

  • LV101

    What an embarrassing bldg - should be the adjacent building's laundry facility or tool/maintenance shed -- after cosmetic construction, of course.

    I know - it's the area and dirt it's sitting on - more shekels for the US crooks.

    Downsizing is good lesson for the adherents - some might catch on.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    jehovah has left the building.

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  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    as ive mentioned before--the local kh near me has sold--asking was ££ half a million.

    i had a nice old couple door knock a few weeks back,---so i asked them what will happen to the money--they replied it will be used to build halls in africa.

    half a mill builds a hell of a lot of mud and straw shacks.

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  • LV101

    hahahaha - like the cult's investment strategists would invest in halls in "africa"! That's hilarious! Maybe mud/straw if the natives provide like in the US!

  • truthseeker

    Wow - isn't this a posh area where renting is expensive.

  • steve2

    Where's the JW.org sign that's supposed to be visible from the street?

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    it looks more like the kingdom lock up industrial unit of jehovah's witnesses. its a disgrace. no wonder the mothership wants rid of it.

  • pepperheart



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