Masonic Symbols On The Cover Of The Draw Close To Jehovah Book

by ColdRedRain 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ColdRedRain

    I don't know if anybody has noticed yet, but today, I folded in the cover of the "Draw Close To Jehovah" book and I noticed the Bible turns into a pyramid, the clouds turn into a Masonic "S" on top of that pyramid and "Jehovah" becomes "Jah".


  • Cassandra Cain
    Cassandra Cain

    Hi I'm Cassandra Utopian Raindrop’s daughter ^__^ we have a friend who is researching Subliminal Messages in the Watchtower's Lititure we have been helping him and this would help out greatly! But we are having trouble trying to figure out how to fold the cover. Could you please give directions or scan the folded cover in and post it here please? ^__^ Thank you.

    ~Cassandra Cain~

  • Scully

    I haven't seen that book. Would you mind posting a scan of it so we can all see what you're talking about?

    I'd recommend caution about jumping to those kinds of conclusions, though. I seriously doubt that the WTS's art department puts that much thought into creating their images. And it would take a considerable amount of time to craft an image deliberately so that it does what you're saying it does. JWs generally don't have that much imagination.

    Love, Scully

  • Seven

    Really? Mine just says: "Paul is dead. Paul is dead."

    Seriously ColdRed, could you explain in more detail how you achieved that before I multilate my copy? Thanks


  • RandomTask

    The revelation book was either telling me to "eat my parents" or "pet fluffy kittens" I don't remember.

  • Utopian_Raindrops

    I know it is easy to make fun of the idea of Subliminal messages in the literature and think it isn’t real but I assure you based on research we have seen it is true.

    Also the assertion that I seriously doubt that the WTS's art department puts that much thought into creating their images. And it would take a considerable amount of time to craft an image deliberately so that it does what you're saying it does. although understandable is just not so.

    After looking at a great number of these subliminals I would say it is more a message to someone who is clued in then for The R & F.

    I French site claims that Aleister Crowley belonged to “The Order Of The Golden Age”

    I did a search on Aleister Crowley and found this site

    Here is what it says about him and The Golden Dawn.

    The Golden Dawn

    Crowley joined the Golden Dawn in 1898; this was his first introduction to organized and ritual magick. Although his entry preceded the demise of the first phase of the G.'.D.'.'s existence, his progress was swift, he entered the second order within a year of initiation. Siding with Samuel Liddell Mathers, the erstwhile leader of the G.'.D.'., they soon fell out, and Crowley exited

    The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

    Aleister Crowley
    the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

    Russell is never mentioned at this site but I noticed The Golden Dawn Order’s memberships were in degrees much like Masons and was founded according to this by a Mason.

    There are other things I noticed but what I am pionting out here is the deep Occult Roots of The WTBS.

    As I have examined the subliminals in WT Illustrations I kept saying to myself, ”Who is this for? Who are they talking too?”

    Being a World Wide Work it would make sense that at times maybe in code there would be these messages letting their True Brethren of The Little Flock know all is well and they are still in charge.

    Sound paranoid and delusional? Well for me it’s not that long since I found out I was in a Cult……so maybe…..then again maybe not.

    The degrees of membership would make sense to me also as to why Ray Franz would not have been privy to all the information the rest of the GB was in on. To a Secret Order 9 years would be too short of a time to be let in on the True inner circle.

    This Picture appears at the top of this site….. Do you recognize this image?


    Here are more links on this topic….

    Dang….I feel like Mel Gibson in Conspiracy Theory.

  • Utopian_Raindrops

    Also Look Here Por Favor.....This is our NewLight2's work by the way.....

  • myself
    it would take a considerable amount of time to craft an image deliberately so that it does what you're saying it does.

    Mad Magazine does it all the time (back cover)

  • Brummie

    Is it similar to this in the knowledge book! (Hey Cassandra Cain I didnt know you were UR, daughter, great to meet you here!)

  • archangel01

    I did the trick and it's true

    Holy S###########

    I'm very scare because that is no mistake that's for sure. It has to be a code, Q is for who?????Of course it's not for it's members, so is that Jesus way of letting us know the truth.That WTS is working for the devil (an angel of light). What does this mean. Also I saw the S on davids hand. This is deep and I'm glad I'm out of that cult!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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