Watched this video and was wondering if any of you recall seeing this video besides on this presenter's youtube platform. Anyway, watch it ! It is disgusting but enlightening. ( a scenerio of a meeting to delete an Elder because his daughters are persuing higher education and how they use the scriptures to malign the Elder as an excuse to be rid of him)
WT and Higher ED
by enoughisenough 65 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Jesus said:
"Be careful not to do your acts of righteousness before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven." - Matthew 6:1These robotic Elders are more concerned about the Shepherd book than any scripture taught by Jesus. The whole family is judged by sinful men. The Society is bothered by the daughters getting a higher education than the congregation. Not one scripture is sighted about higher education. Manmade rules by a manmade religion!
rules and regulations....if I dwell too much on it, I will get knots in my stomach. Such judgemental hypocrites! In real life, how terrible a family man must feel. ( I remember feeling guilty and wondering what the congregation would think if they knew I was taking a home study course so as to graduate from a chosen professional field. I also felt guilty for taking piano lessons so I gave away lessons I had prepaid for.)
ew. so disturbing, yet realistic.
The last Circuit Assembly I attended was 13 years ago. I went home all riled up after listening to a dramatization on ''higher education.''
There were 2 sisters who got up and gave a dramatization about the ''evils'' about going to college. I will paraphrase as best as I can.
High School Counselor: ''Have a seat Karen! I will show you all the College applications I have for you.''
Sister: ''Thank you for all the work you have done.''
Counselor: '' I have an application from Harvard, one from Michigan University, and a couple from the East Coast.''
Sister: '' I have done a lot of thinking and decided not to go to any College."
Counselor: ''Karen, you have a 4.0 grade average and scored very high on the A.C.T. and you would have no problem getting into any of these schools."
Sister: '' As you know, I'm a Jehovah's Witness and we believe that we are near the ''end times.'' I decided that I will go into the preaching work part time and maybe go to a 2 year school."
Counselor: ''You will probably get into these schools at almost no cost because of your 4.0 average and high A.C.T. scores and have a good career the rest of your life. These are great schools and will prepare you to land a good job.''
Sister: ''This world is passing by and may not be here any longer. I decided to enter the ministry work and Jehovah God will provide for me in the future."
Everyone applauded except me. That was really sad to see!
Yeah, what a load of nonsense! What nobody ever hears about is when people like her end up broke in a year or so and have to come off the pioneer list.
This whole dialogue against college/careers was heard I’m sure by many younger Witnesses over the years.. If any of these thousands of Witnesses unwisely kept on the pioneer list.. in an unpaid ministry daydreaming their whole lives, they had a rude awakening when it came time to Retire.. What recourse do they have??
This is why I’m Glad I never quit my full-time job like older affluent Witness busybodies wanted me to!!! I worked until Retirement. These JWs (who are now in their graves) aren’t even around to help anybody they misled!!!
I’m just Glad I never listened to any of it.
It’s very hypocritical though,
I know of Elders who went to Uni and now their sons are too.
there are doctors, dentists and lawyers in Bethel and there is a need for more. Did these ones come into the truth after Uni? No most went against the direction but it’s seems to be overlooked now.
just like the property and money, we just follow what the Borg does and not what they say.
do as they do not what they say. Go after more money invest in property and get further education
St George of England
Back in1969 they said if you are thinking of a 3 or 4 year college course you will never fulfil any career as Armageddon will be here before then. Those that graduated in the 1970's are now at or near retirement and the system is still going strong.
I went to Uni and never regretted it. The thought of a life as a pioneer and window cleaner makes me shudder.
Thing is, its not so much about higher education as it is to simply do what you want to do in life. Some people want to be doctors, engineers and business managers. Others want to be carpenters, electricians, plumbers. You need university for a profession and college for trades. Yet, JW basically draw the line at college. The reality is that once you're married with children, which often happens in the mid twenties for JWs, parents need to work full time! Considering that full time jobs represent, say, 30 years at 40 hours a week, why do they narrow down their dream to jobs they might not even like or be good at in the first place? Its ridiculous.
I noticed Warwickpimo took down the video! interesting! I am thinking it was an elder training didn't seem to be the sort of thing to put on the public site... I hope a lot of people got to see it. It was very telling.