Kim and mikeys chanel on YouTube they uploaded a video of more singing and dancing
by Crazyguy 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
On their Chanel they are showing a video of a special assembly day in Belgium I believe. The jws are dancing dressed in black and red, satanic colores. Singing and playing worldly songs and kingdom melodies. I can't upload a link since I'm on my phone, maybe someone can. But what the hell is going on in this cult?! -
OMG!!! They are having fun! What the hell is the matter with them??? -
Esse quam videri
"...we are family..."
"...let's rock..."
They are emulating what they call "worldly people and ways".
'Worldly people and ways' that they look forward to being annihilated at Arma dead on.
I can't believe their double standards!
I'm all for people having a good time. God knows druggery can kill the spirit.
But these are people who claim to be following the highest standards and to not be emulating either the world OR the churches of Christendom.
Such hypocrisy!
The brothers in the band brazenly sing one of the most popular R&B songs of all time, whose lyrics celebrate the lustful feelings of a man or woman under the spell of love ("I Feel Good") and shimmying across the floor to denote anything but dignity and spirituality.
Not too long ago, the JWs would've criticized the churches of Christendom for worldly practices, the mixing of the spiritual with the worldly, in particular, getting disparaged.
By all means have fun times - but given your claims to be uniquely in possession of the truth, demonstrate that claim wherever you are gathered together - or expect to be roasted for your blatant hypocrisy.
Barrold Bonds
what's the context of the video? -
Pete Zahut
The brothers in the band brazenly sing one of the most popular R&B songs of all time, whose lyrics celebrate the lustful feelings of a man or woman under the spell of love ("I Feel Good") and shimmying across the floor to denote anything but dignity and spirituality.
And (gasp)...said "shimmying" was done in britches that were kinda' tight.
What will Tony Morris have to say once he gets wind of this? (oh, and he will ).
Wasanelder Once
It won't be long till the Goblin body yanks the leash on these bad dogs. -
paul from cleveland
I can't believe this is an assembly. There is no way. This is like the "guitar mass" the Catholic Churches used to have. This must be a wedding or something like that.
If this is really an assembly they've definitely gone "rogue".